Bloggfærslur mánaðarins, október 2014

September hlýr á heimsvísu, en ekki hlýjasti mánuðurinn frá upphafi mælinga með gervihnöttum...


Hér fyrir neðan er ferill sem sýnir þróun lofthita á heimsvísu frá því er mælingar hófust með gervihnöttum árið 1979.

Nýliðinn september er lengst til hægri. Samkvæmt þessum ferli sem gerður er eftir mæligögnum frá gervihnöttum hefur september verið hlýr, en alls ekki neitt sérstakur miðað við allt tímabilið.    Hitaferill samkvæmt öðrum mæligögnum gæti þó sýnt hlýrri september en aðrir septembermánuðir hafa mælst. Þessi virðist þó ekki gera það.

Hitaferlillinn er fenginn hér: á undirsíðu climate4you.comÞar má finna fleiri ferla.

Mæligögnin, sem ferillinn er teiknaður, eftir eru hér:






Skýringar sem eru undir myndinni á vefsíðunni :

Global monthly average lower troposphere temperature since 1979 according to Remote Sensing Systems (RSS). This graph uses data obtained by the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) TIROS-N satellite, and interpreted by Dr. Carl Mears (RSS). The thick line is the simple running 37 month average, nearly corresponding to a running 3 yr average. The cooling and warming periods directly influenced by the 1991 Mt. Pinatubo volcanic eruption and the 1998 El Niño, respectively, are clearly visible. Click here for a description of RSS MSU data products. Please note that RSS January 2011 changed from Version 3.2 to Version 3.3 of their MSU/AMSU lower tropospheric (TLT) temperature product. Click here to read a description of the change from version 3.2 to 3.3, and previous changes. Last month shown: September 2014. Last diagram update: 7 October 2014.

  • Click here to download the series of RSS MSU global monthly lower troposphere temperature anomalies since January 1979.

  • Click here to see a maturity diagram for the MSU RSS data series.

  • Click here to read about data smoothing.

  • Click here to read a description of the MSU products. 



 Ferillinn hér fyrir neðan sýnir alla hitamæliferla á einum stað. Síðasti mánuður er ágúst 2014.




 Skýringar sem eru undir myndinni á vefsíðunni :

Superimposed plot of all five global monthly temperature estimates shown above. As the base period differs for the different temperature estimates, they have all been normalised by comparing to the average value of their initial 120 months (10 years) from January 1979 to December 1988. The heavy black line represents the simple running 37 month (c. 3 year) mean of the average of all five temperature records. The numbers shown in the lower right corner represent the temperature anomaly relative to the above average. See also the diagram below. Values are rounded off to the nearest two decimals, even though some of the original data series come with more than two decimals. The above air temperature estimates may be compared with variations in the global oceanographic heat content above 700 m depth. Last month shown: August 2014. Last diagram update: 2 October 2014. Aldrei áður jafnhlýtt í september
Tilkynna um óviðeigandi tengingu við frétt


Ágúst H Bjarnason
Ágúst H Bjarnason

Verkfr. hjá Verkís.

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