Gömul kvikmynd frá um 1990: The Greenhouse Conspiracy...


Forngripur eða klassík? Mynd sem sýnd var í Ástralska sjónvarpinu árið 1990, fyrir nánast 20 árum, - og umræðan hefur lítið breyst. wink

Það má fyrst og fremst líta á þessa mynd frá sögulegu sjónarmiði, því þarna koma fram menn sem enn eru í fréttunum, nú tuttugu árum síðar. Einnig menn sem væntanlega eru komnir undir græna torfu...


Þessi mynd er eingöngu birt hér þar sem hún er forvitnileg. Væntanlega er hún að miklu leyti barn síns tíma...  Eða hvað?

Er myndin barn síns tíma? Hefur barnið náð að þroskast og vitkast á þeim tveim áratugum sem liðnir eru síðan myndin var gerð? Hefur eitthvað breyst?


Fyrirvari: Skoðanir sem koma fram í myndinni eru að sjálfsögðu ekki endilega þær sömu og skoðanir þess er pistilinn ritar. Það má alla vega hlýja sér við hana í skammdeginu og kuldanum og velta fyrir sér hvað hafi breyst á síðustu áratugum


Munið að myndin er frá 1990.

Góða helgi cool












Aðeins 15 árum áður en myndin var gerð voru áhyggjurnar af allt öðrum toga,
eins og fram kemur í greininni í Newsweek sem myndin er af.  Hvað skyldi það hafa verið?
Smellið þrisvar á myndina til að lesa þessa frægu grein.



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1 Smámynd: Vilhjálmur Eyþórsson

Flestallt, ef ekki allt sem fram kemur í myndinni er í góðu gildi enn í dag, þótt hún sé gerð áður en Al Gore hóf upp raust sína. En nú fer þessu vonandi að linna, því það var ekki fyrr búið að skrifa undir í Kaupmannahöfn, að mesta kuldakast í manna minnum hófst. Myndirnar sem þú hefur sýnt af sólinni kunna að sýna ástæðu þess. Æðið hlýtur fyrr eða síðar að  renna af gróðurhúsa- genginu, en þeir munu verjast af alefli því hér er um mannorð fjölmargra, hálærðra og ábúðarmikilla "vísindamanna" að tefla. Þeir munu áreiðanlega reyna að kenna "gróðurhúsaáhrifum" um kuldakastið. En hvað sagði ekki Abraham Lincoln:

You can fool all of the people some of the time,

And some of the people all of the time,

But you can not fool all of the people all of the time. 

Vilhjálmur Eyþórsson, 8.1.2010 kl. 21:15

2 Smámynd: Ágúst H Bjarnason

Jæja, nú kom allavega snjór í Bretlandi. Kannski er hnatthlýnun um að kenna.

Spyrillinn hjá BBC grillaði bókstaflega John Hirst yfirmann bresku veðurstofunnar í gær fyrir að spá kolvitlaust um síðastliðið sumar og veturinn núna. Hann spáði nefnilega frábæru grillsumri og mildum vetri. Hann var líka spurður út í háa bónusa.  Það verður fátt um svör.

Sjá fjörið á YouTube hér:


Það er erfitt að spá, sérstaklega um framtíðina...

Ágúst H Bjarnason, 8.1.2010 kl. 22:14

3 Smámynd: Ágúst H Bjarnason

47061196 greatbritainjpg.jpg

People of Britain:

Surrender and we will take our freezing weather back.

Best regards, Iceland.


Ágúst H Bjarnason, 8.1.2010 kl. 22:16

4 Smámynd: Sveinn Atli Gunnarsson

Nokkuð fróðlegt að sjá að málflutningur efasemdarmanna lítið breytist á 20 árum. Þrátt fyrir að rannsóknir vísindamanna á sviði loftslagsvísinda sýni enn betur en áður hvert samhengið milli gróðurhúsalofttegunda og hitastigs er. Annað mjög athyglisvert er að frá 1990 eru öll ár fyrir utan 1992 á listanum yfir 20 heitustu árin á heimsvísu síðan reglulegar mælingar hófust um árið 1880.

Snjór á Bretlandi og kuldi í m.a. Evrópu eru veðurfyrirbæri sem hafa orðið sjaldgæfari, en kuldaköst eru ekki rök á móti því að gróðurhúsalofttegundir hafi áhrif á hitastig, þau eru frekar hluti af náttúrulegum sveiflum, sem gerast þrátt fyrir hækkandi hitastig á heimsvísu.

Sveinn Atli Gunnarsson, 8.1.2010 kl. 22:52

5 Smámynd: Vilhjálmur Eyþórsson

Ef "málflutningur" okkar "efasemdarmanna" hefur lítið breyst er á því afar einföld skýring: Staðreyndir breytast ekki. Þær eru bara þarna og breytast ekki alveg óháð "málflutningi". Þú talar um "heitustu ár". Ég er farinn að taka öllu slíku tali með sívaxandi efasemdum, ekki síst í ljósi þess að IPCC og aðrir gróðurhúsamenn nota "leiðréttar" tölur til að ná fram niðurstöðum, sem þeim henta. En jafnvel þótt um smá uppsveiflu hafi verið að ræða breytir það ekki nokkrum sköpuðum hlut. Slíkar upp- og niðursveflur hafa alltaf verið til staðar. Það er óhagganleg staðreynd að til lengri tíma litið fer loftslag á jörðinni hægt og sígandi kólnandi og þornandi. Jökullinn kemur fyrr eða síðar, því núverandi hlýskeið er þegar orðið sæmilega langt. Menn ættu að einbeita sér að því að auka hlýnun, ekki að draga úr henni.

Vilhjálmur Eyþórsson, 8.1.2010 kl. 23:09

6 Smámynd: Ágúst H Bjarnason

Svatli: Hver veit nema Bretar eigi eftir að breyta nafninu
úr England í Newiceland ?

(Þó ekki New Iceland eins og í Manitoba nefnist).

Ágúst H Bjarnason, 8.1.2010 kl. 23:10

7 identicon

Eftirfarandi er fra NASA:

Unlike the surface-based temperatures, global temperature measurements of the Earth's lower atmosphere obtained from satellites reveal no definitive warming trend over the past two decades. The slight trend that is in the data actually appears to be downward. The largest fluctuations in the satellite temperature data are not from any man-made activity, but from natural phenomena such as large volcanic eruptions from Mt. Pinatubo, and from El Niño. So the programs which model global warming in a computer say the temperature of the Earth's lower atmosphere should be going up markedly, but actual measurements of the temperature of the lower atmosphere reveal no such pronounced activity.

magus (IP-tala skráð) 9.1.2010 kl. 01:24

8 identicon

Arid 2007:

A Toronto blogger discovered a problem with how NASA records U.S. temperatures, concluding that 1934 is actually the hottest year on record, not 1998. The climate change controversy is heating up once again.

Digital Journal — Al Gore, you better be listening: Last week, NASA corrected an error in its data of temperature records, apparently caused by a Y2K bug. Global warming alarmists are now enduring a fault line in their argument, and anti-warmers have another arrow in their quill. The problem was discovered by Toronto-based Steve McIntyre, who runs the blog climateaudit.org. He found that the hottest year on record in the U.S. is 1934, not 1998 as NASA previously claimed. After making adjustments to NASA’s data, McIntyre concluded about the hottest years in the U.S.:
Four of the top 10 are now from the 1930s: 1934, 1931, 1938 and 1939, while only 3 of the top 10 are from the last 10 years (1998, 2006, 1999). Several years (2000, 2002, 2003, 2004) fell well down the leaderboard, behind even 1900.

As the National Post wrote, NASA quickly made corrections when McIntyre pointed out the faulty data.

magus (IP-tala skráð) 9.1.2010 kl. 01:35

9 identicon

As previously mentioned, Steven McIntyre had sought release of CRU's data under the UK Freedom of Information Act. At first, Jones simply refused this and several similar requests from other parties. Then on July 27, 2009, CRU erased three key files from its public database, as Mr. McIntyre can prove easily because he has before-and-after screenshots. CRU followed up, in short order, with what McIntyre and some of his readers called an "unpredecented" "purge" of its public data directory. McIntyre's screenshots tell a breathtaking story of wholesale removal of files previously made available to the public, including, at one point, the deletion of every single listing in Phil Jones' public directory. Anthony Watts summed up the situation in one word: "panic."

Thetta skedi i sumar, fyrir ClimateGate.....CRU bregst vid Freedom OF Info med thvi ad eyda skjolum.  Thad kemur svo i ljos i email-hneykslinu ad menn voru uppteknir ad thvi ad eyda vafasomum emailum, og skrifustu a, til ad minna hvorn annan a ad eyda hinum eda thessum posti..... ClimateGate byggist a emailum sem fengu ad lifa af hreinsunareldinn. Rusinan i pylsuendanum er svo ad upprunalega statikin um hitafar sem CRU byggdi a er ekki lengur til. Thad eru bara til gogn sem er buid ad "leidretta"....  Samt er verid ad verja CRU, og sumir segja ad EKKERT sje athugavert.....

I dag er einnig deilt um vinnubrogd i Russlandi og Nyja Sjalandi

Thetta gerist allt eftir 2008 motmaelin fra 650 visindamonnum.....sem vert er ad skoda betur

En ekkert hefur komist almennilega i frettirnar, fyrir utan ClimateGate, vegna tolvuhakkara....

Skiptir ekki mali hvort vid "truum" a "hlynandi vedurfar" eda ekki: IPCC, og alveg sjerstaklega CRU, er fyrirbaeri sem er ekki thess vert ad verja

magus (IP-tala skráð) 9.1.2010 kl. 03:42

10 identicon

Ur skyrslu BNA thingsins um 700+ visindamenn sem motmaela IPCC:

“I am appalled at the state of discord in the field of climate science…There is no observational evidence that the addition of anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions have caused any temperature perturbations in the atmosphere.” - Award-winning atmospheric scientist Dr. George T. Wolff, former member of the EPA’s Science Advisory Board, served on a committee of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and authored more than 90 peer-reviewed studies.    

“Once again we have misleading climate change pronouncements being based on data errors, data errors detected by non-UN, non-IPCC, non-peer-reviewed external observers…This is exactly what happens when you base your arguments on ‘consensus science’ and not scientific fact.” - Professor Dr. Doug L. Hoffman, a mathematician, computer programmer, and engineer, who worked on environmental models and conducted research in molecular dynamics simulations. Hoffman co-authored the 2009 book, The Resilient Earth, described as “bringing a dose of skeptical reality to climate science and the global warming debate.” 

“The questions are scientific, but the UN answers are political. The global warming debate is hardly about science.” - Computer Modeler and Engineer Allen Simmons, who worked 12 years with NASA's top climate scientists and wrote computer systems software for the world's first weather satellites and aided in the development of computer systems for polar orbiting satellites. Simmons co-authored the new skeptical book The Resilient Earth.  

Belief in climate models compared to “ancient astrology”… "I believe the anthropogenic (man-made) effect for climate change is still only one of the hypotheses to explain the variability of climate.” - Award-winning Japanese Physicist Dr. Kanya Kusano, program director of the Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology who’s research “focuses on the immaturity of simulation work cited in support of the theory of anthropogenic climate change.” compared climate models to “ancient astrology.” 

“Temperature measurements show that the [climate model-predicted mid-troposphere] hot zone is non-existent. This is more than sufficient to invalidate global climate models and projections made with them!”- UN IPCC Scientist Dr. Steven M. Japar, a PhD atmospheric chemist who was part of Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s (IPCC) Second (1995) and Third (2001) Assessment Reports, and has authored 83 peer-reviewed publications and in the areas of climate change, atmospheric chemistry, air pollutions and vehicle emissions.  

“The cause of these global changes is fundamentally due to the Sun and its effect on the Earth as it moves about in its orbit. Not from man-made activities.” - Retired Award Winning NASA Atmospheric Scientist Dr. William W. Vaughan, recipient of the NASA Exceptional Service Medal, a former Division Chief of NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center and author more than 100 refereed journal articles, monographs, and papers.  

“If global cooling will come soon -- scientists will lose trust .” - Award-winning Japanese Geologist Dr. Shigenori Maruyama, a professor at the Tokyo Institute of Technology’s Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences who has authored more than 125 scientific publications, was decorated with the Medal of Honor with Purple Ribbon for a major contribution in the field of geology, specializes in the geological evidence of prehistoric climate change 

“The data which is used to date for making the conclusions and predictions on global warming are so rough and primitive, compared to what’s needed, and so unreliable that they are not even worth mentioning by respectful scientists.” -  Award-winning Aerospace and Mechanical Engineer Dr. Gregory W. Moore, who has authored or co-authored more than 75 publications, book chapters, and reports, and authored the 2001 Version of the NASA Space Science Technology Plan which included a comprehensive approach to studying the Sun-Earth connection aspect of space-based research.  

“I appreciate the opportunity to add my name to those who disagree that global warming is man-made…Hansen embarrassed NASA by coming out with his claims of global warming.” - Retired senior NASA atmospheric scientist Dr. John S. Theon, a former supervisor of NASA’s James Hansen, and the former Chief of the Climate Processes Research Program at NASA Headquarters and former Chief of the Atmospheric Dynamics & Radiation Branch.  

“My dear colleague [NASA’s James] Hansen, I believe, has finally gone off the deep end... The global warming ‘time bomb,’ ‘disastrous climate changes that spiral dynamically out of humanity's control.’ These are the words of an apocalyptic prophet, not a rational scientist.” - Chemist Dr. Nicholas Drapela of the faculty of Oregon State University Chemistry Department 

magus (IP-tala skráð) 9.1.2010 kl. 04:03

11 identicon

 Hverjir skrifa thetta? Hvad eru their ad segja? Afhverju heyrast sjonarmid theirra ekki?

Temperature measurements show that the [climate model-predicted mid-troposphere] hot zone is non-existent. This is more than sufficient to invalidate global climate models and projections made with them!”- UN IPCC Scientist Dr. Steven M. Japar, a PhD atmospheric chemist who was part of Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s (IPCC) Second (1995) and Third (2001) Assessment Reports, and has authored 83 peer-reviewed publications and in the areas of climate change, atmospheric chemistry, air pollutions and vehicle emissions.  

“I appreciate the opportunity to add my name to those who disagree that global warming is man-made…Hansen embarrassed NASA by coming out with his claims of global warming.” - Retired senior NASA atmospheric scientist Dr. John S. Theon, a former supervisor of NASA’s James Hansen, and the former Chief of the Climate Processes Research Program at NASA Headquarters and former Chief of the Atmospheric Dynamics & Radiation Branch.  

magus (IP-tala skráð) 9.1.2010 kl. 04:12

12 Smámynd: Vilhjálmur Eyþórsson

Flott að fá þessi innlegg hjá magus. Þótt mér sé annars meinilla við kulda, vona ég að kuldakastið standi sem allra allra lengst, helst fram á sumar og að dönsku sundin leggi (það stefnir í það) og helst að Thames- á leggi við London, en það hefur ekki gerst síðan á 19. öld, en var algengt á "litlu ísöldinni". Þá fer kannski loksins, loksins að renna upp ljós fyrir almenningi og einhverjum stjórnmálamönnum. "Vísindamenn" af sömu tegund og James Hansen munu þó áreiðanlega rekja alla kólnun, alveg eins og hlýnun til aðgerða mannsins. Þeir geta ekki skilið að náttúran er svo miklu, miklu, miklu stærri í sniðum en brölt mannanna.

Vilhjálmur Eyþórsson, 9.1.2010 kl. 05:58

13 Smámynd: Ágúst H Bjarnason

The Telegraph 7. jan 2010:

Snow covers Britain from head to toe   Snow covers Britain from head to toe

Ágúst H Bjarnason, 9.1.2010 kl. 08:19

14 Smámynd: Ágúst H Bjarnason

Það er líka kalt í Ameríku:

Frosnar eðlur falla úr trjám - í Flórída!

Sjá líka vídeó hér.


Svo er líka kalt við Karabíska hafið.

Ágúst H Bjarnason, 9.1.2010 kl. 08:37

15 Smámynd: Ágúst H Bjarnason

 Mail Online

Army rescues 1,000 drivers stranded in cars for 12 HOURS as UK is paralysed by heavy snow (with more on its way)

Myndir og vídeó

Ágúst H Bjarnason, 9.1.2010 kl. 08:45

16 Smámynd: Ágúst H Bjarnason

Svo er það spurning, sem tengist gömlu kvikmyndinni sem pistillinn fjallar um:

Ætli viðhorf fólks til hnatthlýnunar eigi eftir að breytast eftir svona afgerandi kuldakast?

 Cold Changes Attitudes

Ágúst H Bjarnason, 9.1.2010 kl. 08:51

17 Smámynd: Gunnar Th. Gunnarsson

Þetta með "Urban warming"..... það væri gaman að sjá allar hitamælingar úr þéttbýli teknar út úr meðaltalsmælingum. Minnkar ekki "Global warming" - meðaltalið við það?

Gunnar Th. Gunnarsson, 9.1.2010 kl. 16:30

18 Smámynd: Ágúst H Bjarnason


Hér eru smá æfingar:

CRU 3b – Urban Warm Bias in GHCN

Ágúst H Bjarnason, 9.1.2010 kl. 16:43

19 Smámynd: Ágúst H Bjarnason

Pistillinn sem ég vísaði á er upphaflega héðan.

Ágúst H Bjarnason, 9.1.2010 kl. 16:45

20 Smámynd: Ágúst H Bjarnason

Myndin er tekin í Kaupmannahöfn meðan á ráðstefnuninni um hnatthlýnun stóð:


Ágúst H Bjarnason, 9.1.2010 kl. 16:51

21 Smámynd: Höskuldur Búi Jónsson

Það verður fróðlegt fyrir söguspekinga framtíðarinnar að skoða þessa afneitun ykkar. Ef einhver spyr mig eftir tuttugu ár hvort það hafi virkilega verið einhverjir sem efuðust um hlýnun jarðar árið 2010 þá vísa ég þeim á að skoða Ágúst gamla

Höskuldur Búi Jónsson, 9.1.2010 kl. 18:15

22 Smámynd: Ágúst H Bjarnason

Höski Búi.

Ekki vera svona leiður.

Sannaðu til, eftir fáein ár verða fjölmargir hnatthlýnunar vísindamenn farnir að ganga með veggjum svo lítið beri á þeim. Þetta verða þeir vísindamenn sem hamrað hafa á hættunni af ógurlegri hnatthlýnun af mannavöldum. 

Það versta er að þetta eru svo margir vísindamenn, að erfitt verður að finna nógu langan vegg til að ganga með.  Það er þó ekki vonlaust.  Kínamúrinn er nefnilega  samtals tæplega 9.000 km langur. Þar er örugglega nóg pláss. 

Ágúst H Bjarnason, 9.1.2010 kl. 18:26

23 Smámynd: Sveinn Atli Gunnarsson

Já það breytist fátt hjá efasemdarmönnum, sami málflutningurinn í 20 ár og heldur væntanlega áfram næstu 20 árin

Sveinn Atli Gunnarsson, 9.1.2010 kl. 18:32

24 Smámynd: Gunnar Th. Gunnarsson

Já, það er merkilegt og segir e.t.v. ýmislegt að sömu rökin duga, þrátt fyrir ný á hverju ári hjá alarmistunum.

Gunnar Th. Gunnarsson, 9.1.2010 kl. 20:34

25 Smámynd: Höskuldur Búi Jónsson

Ágúst: Hvað heldur þú að verði til þess að alvöru loftslagsvísindamenn muni þurfa að ganga með veggjum?

Höskuldur Búi Jónsson, 9.1.2010 kl. 20:41

26 Smámynd: Höskuldur Búi Jónsson

Gunnar: Það er eins hér á Íslandi og annars staðar - þeir sem afneita hlýnun jarðar af mannavöldum koma alltaf með sömu mýturnar, sem sífellt er verið að hrekja.

Hvað segirðu annars í dag - það er kalt í hluta Evrópu og USA, ætlarðu nú að fara að halda því fram að það sé að kólna? Þú hefur undanfarna mánuði viðurkennt að það sé hlýnun í gangi - ætlarðu að hætta því vegna þessa kuldakasts?

Höskuldur Búi Jónsson, 9.1.2010 kl. 20:45

27 Smámynd: Gunnar Th. Gunnarsson

Nei, það ætla ég ekkert að gera. Þetta er ekki loftslagið... þetta er veðrið

Gunnar Th. Gunnarsson, 9.1.2010 kl. 21:15

28 Smámynd: Sveinn Atli Gunnarsson

Gunnar hvað fær þig til að halda að rökin "dugi"? Rök "efasemdarmanna" duga engan vegin, ef svo væri þá værum við ekki að ræða málin hérna...

Sveinn Atli Gunnarsson, 9.1.2010 kl. 21:26

29 Smámynd: Ágúst H Bjarnason

Auðvitað er þetta bara smá snjókast hjá okkur strákar, svona í tilefni kalda veðursins sem hrellir nágranna okkar.

Sjálfsagt meinum við ekkert meira með því ...

- Auðvitað er þetta kuldakast ekkert annað en veður, en það er stundum gaman að gantast dálítið.


Ágúst H Bjarnason, 9.1.2010 kl. 21:32

30 Smámynd: Höskuldur Búi Jónsson

Hvah - rosalega eruð þið mellow í dag - ekki einu sinni hægt að æsa ykkur upp

Höskuldur Búi Jónsson, 9.1.2010 kl. 21:43

31 Smámynd: Sveinn Atli Gunnarsson

Sveinn Atli Gunnarsson, 9.1.2010 kl. 21:53

32 Smámynd: Gunnar Th. Gunnarsson

Það duga engin rök í þessu.... allt meira og minna ágiskanir

Gunnar Th. Gunnarsson, 9.1.2010 kl. 22:44

33 Smámynd: Sveinn Atli Gunnarsson

Ertu að segja Gunnar að mælingar og rannsóknir þúsunda vísindamanna séu bara ágiskanir? Ja, það er nú það, eða ertu kannski að tala um rök efasemdarmanna, ef svo er, þá tek ég undir með þér.

Sveinn Atli Gunnarsson, 9.1.2010 kl. 22:54

34 Smámynd: Gunnar Th. Gunnarsson

Ertu að tala um "trickin" sem þeir urðu uppvísir að um daginn?

Annars hef ég aldrei efast um að það hafi hlýnað. Ég efast hinsvegar um þátt mannsins í því og ekki síst efast ég um að áhrifin af hlýnuninni séu eins slæm og alarmistarnir halda fram.

Gunnar Th. Gunnarsson, 9.1.2010 kl. 23:06

35 Smámynd: Gunnar Th. Gunnarsson

Breytingar í náttúrinni þurfa ekki að vera slæmar og sennilega eru stöðugar breytingar í veðráttu á umliðnum árþúsundum, ástæða þess að mannskepnan hefur blómstrað.

Gunnar Th. Gunnarsson, 9.1.2010 kl. 23:10

36 Smámynd: Vilhjálmur Eyþórsson

Ég veit ekki hvað Gunnar var að segja en ég er að segja fullum fetum að "mælingar og rannsóknir þúsunda vísindamanna" byggja í mjög veigamiklum undirstöðuatriðum beinlínis á ágiskunum. Það er þannig í raun og veru. Sem dæmi má taka, að enginn veit hvað mikið koldíoxíð streymir úr iðrum jarðar frá eldfjöllum og hverasvæðum ofansjávar og neðan á hverjum degi. Um þetta eru einungis til ágiskanir beinlínis beint út í loftið. Hin undirstöðu- ágiskunin er, að enginn veit, getur vitað eða getur mælt hvað mikil upptaka jurtalífsins á koldíoxíði ofansjávar og neðan er. Þessi atriði, en þó enn frekar hið síðara eru beinlínis undirstöðuþættir í allri koldíoxíð- próblematíkinni og byggja, sem fyrr sagði eingöngu á ágiskunum, því það er óhugsandi með öllu að mæla þær gífurlega stóru stærðir sem hér er um að ræða. Raunar er fjöldamargt annað í öllu þessu ofurflókna dæmi byggt á getgátum og ágiskunum. Sem fyrr sagði. Náttúran er einfaldlega miklu stærri en gróðurhúsa- gengið getur skilið.

Vilhjálmur Eyþórsson, 9.1.2010 kl. 23:24

37 Smámynd: Sveinn Atli Gunnarsson

Það er löngu búið að hrekja það að þessi trick sem þú talar um, hafi eitthvað með falsanir eða svik vísindamanna að gera...þar af leiðandi eru það ekki haldbær rök í einu eða neinu varðandi loftslagsmál, þó þau séu mikið notuð hjá efasemdarmönnum

Loftslagsbreytingar hafa sjálfsagt átt sér stað síðan jörðin byrjaði að hringsnúast um sólu, ekkert nýtt í því. Gróðurhúsalofttegundir halda jörðinni heitri, ekkert nýtt þar heldur. Aukning gróðurhúsalofttegunda af mannavöldum, það aftur á móti hefur ekki gerst með þessum mikla hraða sem á sér stað núna og síðustu ca. 150 ár. Það er talið að þessi aukning hafi áhrif á hitastig, þ.e. að hitastig hækki. Sú staðreynd að vísindamenn vilji láta vita af því að sem þeir hafa komist að með rannsóknum og mælingum getur varla talist alarmismi, hvað sem það er í þínum augum Gunnar. Það hlýtur að vera siðferðileg skylda þeirra að koma vitneskjunni á framfæri.

Ég tel að tal um alarmista, um þá sem vilja að bestu gögnin sem við höfum varðandi þessi mál (þ.e. rannsóknir vísindamanna) verði rædd, sé að einhverju marki áróður efasemdarmanna sem vilja gera lítið úr þeim rannsóknum og mælingum sem vísindamenn hafa stundað. En þetta eru náttúrulega bara ágiskanir í þínum augum Gunnar og lítið hægt að gera til að breyta þeirri hugsun þinni.

Að lokum smá brandari til að halda umræðunni á léttu nótunum:


Sveinn Atli Gunnarsson, 9.1.2010 kl. 23:44

38 Smámynd: Höskuldur Búi Jónsson


Það eru engar ágiskanir að CO2 hafi byrjað að aukast óvenjulega mikið fyrir rúmlega 150 árum síðan - beinar mælingar úr andrúmsloftinu og úr ískjörnum:

Getur þú bent á þá gríðarlegu aukningu í eldvirkni og jarðhitavirkni síðastliðin 150 ár sem benda til þess að koldíoxíð sé komið annars staðar frá?

Annars geturðu lesið þig til um það hvernig menn áætla magn CO2 frá eldvirkni og jarðhitavirkni, bæði ofan og neðansjávar með því að lesa þetta hér: Volcanic Contributions to the Global Carbon Cycle 

Niðurstaðan er sú að eldfjöll gefa frá sér við núverandi aðstæður tæplega 1 % af því sem menn gefa frá sér af CO2. Þau hafa því sáralítil áhrif á heildarstærðina.

CO2 er að aukast í andrúmsloftinu og af völdum manna - þetta hefur verið mælt og staðfest og því engar ágiskanir, sjá: Mýta: Aukningin í CO2 í andrúmsloftinu er náttúruleg og Blogg: Er aukning á CO2 af völdum manna?

Gunnar: Hér sérðu við hvað við þurfum að eiga við, sífellt að svara sömu gömlu úreltu mýtunum.

Höskuldur Búi Jónsson, 10.1.2010 kl. 01:10

39 Smámynd: Vilhjálmur Eyþórsson

Greinin sem þú bendir á fjallar einungis um eldfjallavirkni en hleypur alveg yfir þá staðreynd að koldíoxíð streymir í miklu magni úr jarðhitasvæðum jarðar ofansjávar og neðan allan sólarhinginn alla daga ársins. Þú nefnir heldur  ekki að upptaka jurtanna á koldíoxíði er alger undirstöðuþáttur í öllu þessu dæmi, en um hana er í rauninni sáralítið vitað þegar að er gáð. Ég er allt of latur við að merkja það sem ég hef lesið, en ég sá alveg nýlega að þýskur vísindamaður vill nú halda því fram, að allt þetta tal um aukningu koldíoxíðs sé rangt. Jurtirnar hafi jafnóðum gleypt það sem frá mönnunum hafi komið og í raun sé koldíoxíðmagnið konstant. Málið er, að ég vantreysti stöðugt meira og meira öllum upplýsingum og tölum sem frá gróðurhúsamönnum koma. Það er ekki hægt að treysta vísindamönnum sem "leiðrétta" tölur til að fá þær niðurstöður sem þeir vilja sjá. Gróðurhúsamenn sjá bara það sem þeir vilja sjá en strauja yfir allt annað.

Vilhjálmur Eyþórsson, 10.1.2010 kl. 02:30

40 Smámynd: Gunnar Th. Gunnarsson

Svatli, brandarinn er góður

Gunnar Th. Gunnarsson, 10.1.2010 kl. 06:38

41 Smámynd: Ágúst H Bjarnason

Það hefur verið fjallað um ýmsar aðferðir til að bjarga jörðinni okkar frá glötun.

Vísindamenn hafa mikið hugleitt þessi mál, og hér fyrir neðan eru nokkrar tillögur sem stolið er af þessari vefsíðu.

Post Pic

Top 10: Wacky Geo-ingineering Ideas to Save Our Planet

The solution to climate change lies not in the hands of politicians, but some seriously nutty scientists.

For the uninitiated, geoengineering is easiest explained as the plan B in the fight against climate change, in case our politicians and world leaders fail. And as the Kyoto agreement is due 2012, with both Bali and Copenhagen settled disappointments, it is perhaps time for drastic action.

Scientists all over the world are already on it.


10. Ocean Iron Fertilization

“Give me half a tanker of iron, and I’ll give you an ice age” ~John Martin, discoverer of the Ocean Iron Fertilization Idea.

Introduce iron into the ocean’s upper layer and increase the amount of phytoplankton (plant plankton) in the ocean. This in turn will increase the amount of food for ocean life, strengthen the ecosystem and most importantly, take in CO2 and release oxygen. The problem however, is not just the process but the scale on which it has to be done to make an impact.


9. Cloud Reflectivity Enhancement

Making clouds whiter. How? Apparently the “viable plan” by Stephen Salter of the University of Edinburgh is to have 1500 special ships known as Flettner ships to spray ocean water into the atmosphere. The ocean spray would work within a concept known as the Twomey Effect. The biggest problem is the lack on ocean nuclei needed due to pollution.

Problem: 1500 honkin’ ships shooting water into the air.

8. Scatterers – Stratospheric Sulfate Aerosols

Release microparticles into the atmosphere at the rate of 1 million metric tons a year through the use of jumbo jets and military artillery. The idea is to reflect some of the sunlight entering our atmosphere, thus reducing warming effects and helping us keep nice and cool. Read more at Wikipedia.


7. Sun-blocking Space Crafts

Some people have been watching way too many movies; Stephen Schneider of Stanford University to be precise. He suggests building 60,000 shiny space crafts and putting them into orbit. This is yet another proposed process to avert some of the sun’s rays (10% to be exact) and cool the earth. Cost: $100 billion a year.

What would Spock say?


6. The CO2 Scrubber

Like the concept of terraforming was introduced in the movie Total Recall, the idea here is to create 250,000 C02 scrubbers and deploy them around the world. The greenhouse gases would be stored underground and used to fuel industries. Here’s the rub: 250,000 units- that’s a quarter-million machines built and deployed. It’s not impossible, but considering the world’s governments can’t agree on a lunch menu, how would they organize such a crazy project?


5. Artificial Trees

The concept of building artificial trees around the world and allowing them to filter out the carbon monoxide is just the ticket. I have no idea why this wouldn’t work beyond the fact that we’re using artificial trees. Why not just plant more trees? Oh wait, we need those for cutting. Perhaps a better plan would be to make artificial trees and cut them down and leave the real ones alone. Nutty as it may seem, this idea has already received media attention.


4. The Sulfur Dioxide Hose

The idea is to loft baloons into the air and have them just floating around. The huge balloons would have several air hoses attached to them that would spray sulfur dioxide into the atmosphere creating a nice red hue at sunset.

The technology is available right now and could be readily deployed. The downside is that like many other expensive international endeavors, one country will probably end up footing the 300 trillion dollar bill. See Treehugger article for more information.


3. Space Frisbees to Save Earth

The idea has been proposed to shoot millions of reflective disks into orbit around the Earth. We’re talking in the neighborhood of 80,000 discs per minute over the course of years. Hasbro, an American Toy maker, is firmly behind this idea, as are skeet shooting clubs around the world.


2. The Volcano Idea

To create manmade volcanoes and use them to spew forth enough particles to help cool the Earth: This is an ongoing project by the British Royal Society that would require an eruption every few months for the rest of our time here on Earth or at least until we can figure out how to reduce our emissions and clean up what we’ve already done.

Where these eruptions are to take place and what the effects on the Earth would be, no one really knows. Personally I believe any volcanoes that are manmade should be made into amusement parks as well. The braincases who endorse this idea should be the only ones allowed in the park, preferably just before an eruption.


1. The “Farting Tank” for Cows

Though this isn’t strictly Geo-engineering, Scientists figure that one steak dinner for a family of four equals the same amount of greenhouse gas emission as a long drive in a SUV. The thought is to either figure out a way to reduce the methane production of cattle or reduce the amount of cattle being herded. One proposed way to reduce the gas production of cattle is to feed them garlic. Another is to attach plastic tanks to the cow to encapsulate its farts.

Why not just take it to the next level and shoot them into space? Their corpses could block out the sun and reduce greenhouse emissions. They would no doubt stay fresh and we could retrieve the beef at anytime through shuttle missions. Too nutty? See above.

For further funny reading on cows as #1 climate crook, check out this article: “Meet the world’s top destroyer of the environment. It is not the car, or the plane,or even George Bush: it is the cow.”


Hafa menn ekki gleymt einhverju, t.d. eins og niðurdælingu á CO2  eins og Orkuveita Reykjavíkur er að prófa á Hellisheiði?

Ágúst H Bjarnason, 10.1.2010 kl. 06:58

42 Smámynd: Sveinn Atli Gunnarsson

Ágúst þessi listi sem þú bendir á er tekin beint af heimasíðu Anthony Watts (einn tilgangur síðu hans að mínu mati er að gera lítið úr loftslagsvísindunum) og eini tilgangur listans að mínu viti er að gera lítið úr allskyns tilraunum og rannsóknum sem framkvæmdar hafa verið í svolkölluðum geo-engineering (loftslagsverkfræði). Loftslagsverkfræði er nýleg grein og þær hugmyndir sem koma þaðan eru oft á tíðum eins og teknar úr vísindaskáldsögum, og verða margar hverjar hugsanlega ekki að neinu, en sumt getur orðið að veruleika. Niðurdæling CO2 er t.d. ein af þeim hugmyndum sem ég myndi ætla að gæti verið nothæf, en hún hefur væntanlega ekki verið nógu "wacky" til að komast á listann sem Anthony Watts vitnar þarna til. Þetta er í raun klassísk aðferð efasemdarmanna við að reyna að gera lítið úr fræðigreinum loftslagsvísindanna og ekki meira um það að segja.

Vilhjálmur: Ég held að ef þú ætlar að halda svona hlutum fram eins og "Jurtirnar hafi jafnóðum gleypt það sem frá mönnunum hafi komið og í raun sé koldíoxíðmagnið konstant.", þá skaltu halda utan um heimildirnar og passa að týna ekki tenglunum. Styrkur koldíoxíð í andrúmsloftinu hefur aukist um u.þ.b. 38% frá því fyrir iðnbyltingu, það er mælanleg staðreynd. Þ.a.l. eru fullyrðingar í þá veru að "í raun sé koldíoxíðmagn konstant"  alrangar.

Sveinn Atli Gunnarsson, 10.1.2010 kl. 10:23

43 Smámynd: Ágúst H Bjarnason


Þessi listi er EKKI tekinn af síðu Antony Watts.  Efst í athugasemdinni minni stendur skýrum stöfum:

"Það hefur verið fjallað um ýmsar aðferðir til að bjarga jörðinni okkar frá glötun.

Vísindamenn hafa mikið hugleitt þessi mál, og hér fyrir neðan eru nokkrar tillögur sem stolið er af þessari vefsíðu".

"Þessi vefsíða" sem vísað er á er: 


Sem er alls ekki vefsíða Antony Watts.

Ef við kíkjum á vefsíðu Antony Watts, þá sjáum við að aðeins liðir 10, 9, og 8 eru þar.  Alls ekki liðir 7,6,5,4,3,2 & 1.  Það væri því ekki einu sinni mögulegt að nappa þessum lista þaðan.

Þessi "Topp-tíu" vefsíða þaðan sem þessi listi kemur, fjallar yfirleitt aldrei um neitt sem tengist loftslagsmálum. Aðeins ýmislegt "Totally top ten" eins og þeir kalla það.


Þetta ætti því allt saman að vera í góðu lagi.  Varla er verið að gera lítið úr einhverjum, því þetta eru allt saman atriði sem skoðuð hafa verið og sum eru kunnugleg, því um þau hefur verið fjallað í vísindagreinum og öðrum greinum. Á nokkrum stöðum eru í listanum tilvísanir í ítarefni.

Þess vegna skil ég ekki með nokkru móti athugasemd þína varðandi Antony Watts veðurfræðing, eða þá að lítið sé verið að gera úr einhverju eða einhverjum.

Algjörlega óþarfa áhyggjur hjá þér Svatli. Keep Cool!

Ágúst H Bjarnason, 10.1.2010 kl. 10:50

44 Smámynd: Sveinn Atli Gunnarsson

Ég er svellkaldur. Það breytir ekki því að þetta er alþekkt aðferð við efasemdarmanna við að gera lítið úr vísindum (væntanlega notuð frá 1990 eða jafnvel fyrr). Hvaðan sem þú hefur nappað þessu skiptir í raun ekki aðalmálinu, útkoman er sú sama, þ.e. listi sem gerður er af einhverjum annarlegum (fyndnum?) ástæðum til að gera lítið úr vísindunum og innifelur akkúrat engin efnisleg rök sem halda vatni í umræðunni. En það hefur ekki trufla efasemdarmenn að nota rökleysur hingað til

Sveinn Atli Gunnarsson, 10.1.2010 kl. 11:06

45 Smámynd: Ágúst H Bjarnason

Hættur að skilja

Ágúst H Bjarnason, 10.1.2010 kl. 11:24

46 Smámynd: Höskuldur Búi Jónsson


Í greininni segir:

Present day geological emissions of CO2 include both volcanic emsissions (both passive, from volcanoes in repose, and those related directly to eruptive activity) and non-volcanic - direct emissions from the earth's crust and lithosphere.

Ég vona að þú haldir þessu til haga, svo ég þurfi ekki að svara þessu aftur - þar er vitnað meðal annars í heimildina: Carbon degassing from the lithosphere

En þú svarar mér ekki - hvar heldur þú að hafi orðið þessi gríðarlega aukning í eldvirkni eða jarðhitavirkni sem bendir til að aukningin síðastliðin 150 ár séu þaðan komin?

IPCC tók saman það sem vitað er um hringrás CO2 og meðfylgjandi mynd sýnir niðurstöðuna - þar sést að CO2 frá mönnum er ekki stór hluti af heildarkerfinu enda halda menn því ekki fram - aftur á móti er aukningin í CO2 af völdum manna, um það er vísindaleg sátt:


Það sem vekur kannski helst athygli á þessari mynd er að bæði plöntur og sjórinn hafa tekið meira til sín af CO2 eftir iðnbyltinguna, en það nægir alls ekki til að halda CO2 í andrúmsloftinu í skefjum og því eykst það.

Reyndar finnst mér menn vera ansi langt frá raunveruleikanum ef þeir halda því fram að CO2 aukningin í andrúmsloftinu sé ekki af völdum manna eins og þú (Vilhjálmur) virðist gefa í skyn.

Höskuldur Búi Jónsson, 10.1.2010 kl. 11:32

47 Smámynd: Sveinn Atli Gunnarsson

Skilurðu ekki að einasti tilgangur þessa lista er að gera lítið úr vinnu vísindamanna, skoðaðu orðalag listans:

"Why not just take it to the next level and shoot them into space? Their corpses could block out the sun and reduce greenhouse emissions. They would no doubt stay fresh and we could retrieve the beef at anytime through shuttle missions. Too nutty?"

Þetta eru endalausar rökleysur, svipaðar og notaðar hafa verið af efasemdarmönnum í langan tíma nú, en virðist ekki almennt trufla þá í málflutningi sínum, eins t.d. Watts, sem notar svona rugl sem uppfyllingarefni á síðuna sína

Sveinn Atli Gunnarsson, 10.1.2010 kl. 11:36

48 Smámynd: Vilhjálmur Eyþórsson

Það er nú svo komið fyrir mér, að ég fyllist efa í hvert sinn sem ég sé tölur frá gróðurhúsamönnum. Þeir eru ekki lengur vísindamenn, heldur að halda fram tilteknum málstað og sjá því bara það sem þeir vilja sjá og nota aðeins þær tölur og niðurstöður sem henta málstaðnum. Meðal annars er ég farinn að efast um fullyrðingar um að koldíoxíð hafi verið eitthvað að ráði minna fyrir iðnbyltingu en nú. Mælingar á þessu eru nefnilega ekki samhljóða, og ýmislegt bendir til að aukningin, ef um verulega aukningu er að ræða, sé miklu minni en yfirleitt er talað um. Ég held því ekki fram, að jurtirnar éti jafnóðum það koldíoxíð sem frá mönnunum kemur, heldur endurtek aðeins það sem ég sá í erlendu blaði fyrir nokkru haft eftir þýskum vísindamanni. Um koldíoxíð- uppstreymi er þetta að segja: Hvernig eru þessar tölur fengnar? Hvernig voru mælingarnar framkvæmdar? Var farið með mælitæki að hverju hverasvæði og eldgíg ofanjarðar og neðan, uppstreymið mælt og niðurstöður birtar? Nei og aftur nei. Þetta eru einungis getgátur gjörsamlega út í loftið og þrátt fyrir ábúðarmikið "vísindalegt" yfirbragð ósköp venjuleg steypa, eins og menn eiga að venjast frá gróðurhúsa- genginu.

Vilhjálmur Eyþórsson, 10.1.2010 kl. 12:47

49 Smámynd: Sveinn Atli Gunnarsson

Vilhjálmur; hvernig væri nú að fá gögn frá þér sem styðja þessar fullyrðingar þínar. Ég stór efast um að til séu gögn sem styðji þennan málflutning þinn, en ég bíð þó spenntur eftir því að þú getir þinna heimilda. Nú væri kannski ráð hjá þér Vilhjálmur að fara að halda utan um heimildirnar þínar, nema þetta séu bara skoðanir byggðar á rökleysum, það hljómar þannig fyrir mér.

Varðandi það hvernig tölur eru fengnar og mælingar framkvæmdar, þá er hægt að nálgast gögn í vísindatímaritum og fleiri stöðum, t.d. hér er mikið af gögnum. 

Sveinn Atli Gunnarsson, 10.1.2010 kl. 13:06

50 Smámynd: Gunnar Th. Gunnarsson

Tja... er ekki erfitt fyrir Vilhjálm að sýna gögn um eitthvað sem hann segir að sé ekki til? (mælingar á hverum og eldgígum) Ert það ekki frekar þú sem átt að sýna gögn um mælingarnar?

Gunnar Th. Gunnarsson, 10.1.2010 kl. 15:12

51 Smámynd: Sveinn Atli Gunnarsson

Gunnar; ég held að það sé mjög erfitt fyrir Vilhjálm að sýna fram á gögn sem sýna fram á að hans rök standist skoðun. Afhverju held ég það...jú af því þau gögn eru ekki til staðar, allavega ekki vísindaleg gögn.

Það eru til gögn varðandi öndun jarðar og losun gróðurhúsalofttegunda af mannavöldum, sjá t.d. athugasemd 46. En ef Vilhjálmur ákveður að stinga höfðinu í sandinn og skoða það ekki frekar, þá finnst mér að hann verði að sýna fram á hvernig hann kemst að sinni niðurstöðu, annars eru þetta bara ómarktækar skoðanir hjá honum, sem ekki standast nánari skoðun.

Sveinn Atli Gunnarsson, 10.1.2010 kl. 17:03

52 Smámynd: Höskuldur Búi Jónsson

Vilhjálmur: Það er búið að mæla CO2 í loftbólum ískjarna nokkur hundruð þúsund ár aftur í tíman - við vitum að aukningin nú er langtum meiri en nokkurn tíma í þeirri sögu. Aukningin hófst með iðnbyltingunni og brennslu jarðefnaeldsneytis. En nú viltu halda því fram að ekki sé að marka CO2 gögn úr ískjörnum og því sé ekki víst að nokkur aukning á CO2 hafi orðið - eða hvað?

Mér vitanlega eru síðan engar upplýsingar um það að nokkurs staðar hafi orðið margföldun á eldvirkni né jarðhitavirkni á þessu tímabili. Þótt þú virðist ekki átta þig á því, þá eru þúsundir jarðfræðinga víða um heim að stúdera allar helstu uppsprettur CO2 úr eldfjöllum og því er magn losunar CO2 sem kemur með eldvirkni og jarðhitavirkni töluvert þekkt - allavega stærðargráðan - hvort það er hálft prósent eða eitt og hálft prósent miðað við losun af völdum manna skiptir í raun ekki máli.

Það er reyndar góð leið til að ég hætti þessu þrasi við þig, því ég ætla ekki að rökræða við menn sem taka ekki mark á mælanlegum vísindalegum niðurstöðum. Ég sætti mig ágætlega við það þegar menn koma með líklegar skýringar á einhverju tengdu loftslagsbreytingum og þá er gaman að rökræða, en þegar menn ákveða gjörsamlega að hunsa áreiðanlegar mælingar þá er málið dautt að mínu mati. Það er málefnaleg uppgjöf af þinni hálfu - að hunsa mæliniðurstöður.

Höskuldur Búi Jónsson, 10.1.2010 kl. 17:06

53 Smámynd: Ágúst H Bjarnason

Mail Online

 Grein í vefútgáfu The Daily Mail   í dag:

The mini ice age starts here

By David Rose
Last updated at 11:17 AM on 10th January 2010


The bitter winter afflicting much of the Northern Hemisphere is only the start of a global trend towards cooler weather that is likely to last for 20 or 30 years, say some of the world’s most eminent climate scientists.

Their predictions – based on an analysis of natural cycles in water temperatures in the Pacific and Atlantic oceans – challenge some of the global warming orthodoxy’s most deeply cherished beliefs, such as the claim that the North Pole will be free of ice in
summer by 2013.

According to the US National Snow and Ice Data Centre in Colorado, Arctic summer sea ice has increased by 409,000 square miles, or 26 per cent, since 2007 – and even the most committed global warming activists do not dispute this.

North Pole
The scientists’ predictions also undermine the standard climate computer models, which assert that the warming of the Earth since 1900 has been driven solely by man-made greenhouse gas emissions and will continue as long as carbon dioxide levels rise....
... MEIRA HÉR...


Ágúst H Bjarnason, 10.1.2010 kl. 17:42

54 Smámynd: Ágúst H Bjarnason

Bretum er greinilega ekki rótt:

Panic buying hits supermarkets as Met Office warns of eight inches MORE snow today and tomorrow

By Daily Mail Reporter
Last updated at 6:00 PM on 10th January 2010

  • Supermarket shelves emptied of essentials
  • Food prices set to soar because of freezing weather
  • Army mobilised to help out as Big Freeze set to continue

Supermarkets were stripped of essentials today as weathermen predicted further snow and a prolonged period of freezing weather.

Bread, milk and salt to treat frozen pathways were among the items being swept from the shelves as customers stocked up.

Further heavy snowfalls lashed big-freeze Britain, piling more pressure on the country's already-stretched winter resources.

 Shaw in the Pennines

Ágúst H Bjarnason, 10.1.2010 kl. 18:05

55 Smámynd: Höskuldur Búi Jónsson

Ágúst 53: Hér er einnig viðtal við Mojib Latif og þar er túlkunin ekki eins extrím og úr takti vð vísindalega hugsun og í því sem þú sendir inn

Forscher: Kälte kein Zeichen für nachlassenden Klimawandel

Die aktuelle Kältewelle ist nach Einschätzung des Kieler Klimaforschers Mojib Latif kein Anzeichen für ein Nachlassen des weltweiten Klimawandels. Entscheidender für das Weltklima ist nach seiner Auskunft das Klima in den Tropen.

Click here to find out more!

Die aktuelle Kältewelle ist nach Einschätzung des Kieler Klimaforschers Mojib Latif kein Anzeichen für ein Nachlassen des weltweiten Klimawandels. Allerdings könne es sein, dass die Erwärmung bis Mitte des Jahrzehnts aufgrund natürlicher Schwankungen im Klimageschehen vorübergehend zum Stillstand komme, sagte Latif dem Sender HR-Info. "Nach dieser Phase könnte es sich dann um so schneller wieder erwärmen". Auf lange Sicht würden eisige Winter, wie derzeit in Europa, Teilen Asiens und Nordamerikas immer seltener werden.

Entscheidender für das Weltklima ist nach Auskunft des Meteorologie-Experten der Universität Kiel ohnehin weniger die Wetterentwicklung in unseren Breiten als das Klima in den Tropen und die seien im Moment "außergewöhnlich warm". Letztlich sei dies sogar der Auslöser für den derzeitigen Eiswinter im Süden der USA. "Das ist auf die warmen Temperaturen im tropischen Pazifik zurückzuführen, ein Phänomen, das wir 'El Niño? nennen", sagte Latif. Dieses Naturereignis bewirkt eine Umkehrung normaler Strömungsverhältnisse im südlichen Pazifik, was neben klimatischen Veränderungen dort auch starke Auswirkungen auf das globale Wettergeschehen hat.

Höskuldur Búi Jónsson, 10.1.2010 kl. 18:35

57 Smámynd: Sveinn Atli Gunnarsson

Merkilegt hvað veður fær efasemdarmenn upp af stólnum. Annars er alls ekki útilokað að náttúrulegar sveiflur eigi sér stað þrátt fyrir að hitastig hækki til lengri tíma, eins og margoft hefur verið nefnt, m.a. Mojib Latif, þeim sem um er talað að hluta til hjá Ágústi og Höska hér að ofan. Hér má sjá myndband um það hvernig orð Latif voru endurtúlkuð og misskilin af efasemdarmönnum, nánast um leið og hann hafði látið þau frá sér og hér er grein af loftslag.is sem fjallar um sama. Að lokum er hér graf sem sýnir hvernig hitastigshækkun gæti "hugsanlega" litið út (þetta er ekki spá) í framtíðinni, þarna má t.d. sjá lækkun hitastigs frá 2010-2030 og aftur ca. 2060-2080, sjá nánar hér.

 Skrikkjótt hlýnun

PS. Ég auglýsi enn eftir marktækum gögnum frá Vilhjálmi.

Sveinn Atli Gunnarsson, 10.1.2010 kl. 18:50

58 Smámynd: Ágúst H Bjarnason


Ég skil það þannig að David Rose hafi talað við Latif í gærkvöld:

"Prof Latif, who leads a research team at the renowned Leibniz Institute at Germany’s Kiel University, has developed new methods for measuring ocean temperatures 3,000ft beneath the surface, where the cooling and warming cycles start.

He and his colleagues predicted the new cooling trend in a paper published in 2008 and warned of it again at an IPCC conference in Geneva last September.

Last night he told The Mail on Sunday: ‘A significant share of the warming we saw from 1980 to 2000 and at earlier periods in the 20th Century was due to these cycles – perhaps as much as 50 per cent.

'They have now gone into reverse, so winters like this one will become much more likely. Summers will also probably be cooler, and all this may well last two decades or longer.

‘The extreme retreats that we have seen in glaciers and sea ice will come to a halt. For the time being, global warming has paused, and there may well be some cooling.’ "

Meira veit ég ekki um þetta mál.

Ágúst H Bjarnason, 10.1.2010 kl. 19:00

59 Smámynd: Sveinn Atli Gunnarsson

Ég þekki það ekki betur en þú Ágúst og heldur ekki hverskonar heimild Mail on Sunday eða David Rose er. En Mojib Latif hefur kallað sjálfan sig Global Warming, sjá nánar í myndbandinu. Það getur vel verið að hann hafi sagt þetta við David Rose, ætla ekkert að fullyrða um það, enda er hann að rannsaka þessar náttúrulega sveiflur sem eiga sér stað, hafa átt sér stað og munu eiga sér stað í framtíðinni, þrátt fyrir hækkandi hitastig. Sjá t.d. grafið í athugasemd 57.

Sveinn Atli Gunnarsson, 10.1.2010 kl. 19:17

60 Smámynd: Ágúst H Bjarnason

Ég vona bara að þessu kuldakasti fari að linna.

Íbúar Englands og Suður-Evrópu eru ekki  vanir svona veðri sem setur allt líf meira og minna úr skorðum. Svipað er upp á teningnum vestan hafs.

Íbúðarhúsnæði víða í Englandi er gamalt og illa einangrað. Algengt er að hús séu hituð með gasi, sem er dýrt. Hitunarkerfin eru ekki nægilega öflug, þannig að víða er kalt í húsum. Jafnvel verulega kalt.

Bílar eru yfirleitt á sumardekkjum árið um kring, þannig að fólk á erfitt með að komast úr húsi. Lestakerfið lamast fljótt, því það þolir ekki mikinn snjó.

Vonandi linnir þessu ástandi fljótlega.

Ágúst H Bjarnason, 10.1.2010 kl. 19:44

61 Smámynd: Sveinn Atli Gunnarsson

Reynslan sýnir okkur að svona hret ganga yfir.

Það er rétt að margir íbúar Evrópu eru ekki vanir svona hretum, enda eins og þú segir þá eru samgöngutæki, húsnæði o.fl. ekki gerð fyrir svona kuldahret. Þegar ég bjó í Kaupmannahöfn, þá fannst mér stundum að S-Tog lestarnar stoppuðu við ansi lítin snjó eða kulda, hurðir á lestunum hættu að opnast/lokast og allt stoppaði um tíma. Þannig að stundum þarf ekki svo mikið til.

Sveinn Atli Gunnarsson, 10.1.2010 kl. 19:56

62 Smámynd: Gunnar Th. Gunnarsson

Vegna grafsins í #57

Ég hef beðið lengi eftir því frá alarmistunum að þeir komi með eitthvað svona. Jafnvel þó það kólni samfleytt í 20-30 ár.... þá er ekkert að marka  

Nú þurfum við að bíða út fyrir "gröf" og dauða eftir því að kenningarnar sannist. Ég hef engan tíma til þess.

Gunnar Th. Gunnarsson, 10.1.2010 kl. 20:07

63 Smámynd: Sveinn Atli Gunnarsson

Gunnar þú ert alltaf jafn klókur, verst fyrir þig, þá hefur þetta verið á heimasíðunni loftlsag.is frá opnun, þann 19. september, ekkert nýtt þar. Enda er það alþekkt staðreynd að náttúrulegar sveiflur eiga sér stað og hitastig jarðar hækkar ekki línulega, heldur koma fram þessar náttúrulegu sveiflur.

Sveinn Atli Gunnarsson, 10.1.2010 kl. 20:44

64 Smámynd: Sveinn Atli Gunnarsson

Varðandi greinina í Daily Mail sem þú vitnaðir í í athugasemd 53, Ágúst, þá hefur Mojib Latif fengið möguleika á að svara fyrir sig, og það lítur út fyrir að fréttamenn Daily Mail hafi misskilið hann.

Þar segir m.a. 

 guardian.co.uk home

A leading scientist has hit out at misleading newspaper reports that linked his research to claims that the current cold weather undermines the scientific case for manmade global warming.

Mojib Latif, a climate expert at the Leibniz Institute at Kiel University in Germany, said he "cannot understand" reports that used his research to question the scientific consensus on climate change.

He told the Guardian: "It comes as a surprise to me that people would try to use my statements to try to dispute the nature of global warming. I believe in manmade global warming. I have said that if my name was not Mojib Latif it would be global warming."

He added: "There is no doubt within the scientific community that we are affecting the climate, that the climate is changing and responding to our emissions of greenhouse gases."

A report in the Mail on Sunday said that Latif's results "challenge some of the global warming orthodoxy's most deeply cherished beliefs" and "undermine the standard climate computer models". Monday's Daily Mail and Daily Telegraph repeated the claims.

Þetta er s.s. bara bull hjá Mail on Sunday að hafa þetta eftir honum á þann hátt sem þeir gerðu.

Það má lesa alla greinina á vef Guardian

Sveinn Atli Gunnarsson, 11.1.2010 kl. 20:14

65 identicon

2008 - Cold Weather Kills 38 in Northern India (FOX News, January 2, 2008)
2008 - Indian cold wave toll kills 90 (The Earth Times, January 3, 2008)
2008 - A cold spell soon to replace global warming (RIA Novosti, January 3, 2008)
2008 - Cold Stretches Throughout East; Flurries Reported in Florida (FOX News, January 3, 2008)
2008 - Br-r-r! Where did global warming go? (The Boston Globe, January 6, 2008)
2008 - Snow, winds close highways, collapse roofs in Wash. (USA Today, January 8, 2008)
2008 - First snow for 100 years falls on Baghdad (AFP, January 11, 2008)
2008 - Saudi Arabia covered with snow in coldest winter for 20 years (RIA Novosti, January 11, 2008)
2008 - Russian scientist says Earth could soon face new Ice Age (RIA Novosti, January 22, 2008)
2008 - China battles "coldest winter in 100 years" (Reuters, February 4, 2008)
2008 - Canadian Scientists Fear Global Cooling (NewsBusters, February 8, 2008)
2008 - Solar Activity Diminishes; Researchers Predict Another Ice Age (DailyTech, February 9, 2008)
2008 - Record Cold for Northern Minn.: 40 Below (Associated Press, February 11, 2008)
2008 - Madison breaks its record for winter snowfall (USA Today, February 12, 2008)
2008 - China's freak cold weather killed 107 (Reuters, February 13, 2008)
2008 - Record cold kills cattle and rice in Vietnam (The Earth Times, February 13, 2008)
2008 - Freezing weather kills over 900 people in Afghanistan (RIA Novosti, February 16, 2008)
2008 - Cold weather kills 60,000 cattle in Vietnam (China Daily, February 18, 2008)
2008 - 4 sources say "globally cooler" in the past 12 months (Anthony Watts, Meteorologist, February 19, 2008)
2008 - ISRAEL: Cold weather kills 14 homeless people (Reuters. February 21, 2008)
2008 - Global Cooling: Amazing pictures of countries joining Britain in the big freeze (Daily Mail, UK, February 21, 2008)
2008 - Forget global warming: Welcome to the new Ice Age (National Post, Canada, February 25, 2008)
2008 - Temperature Monitors Report Widescale Global Cooling (DailyTech, February 26, 2008)
2008 - Global warming sceptics buoyed by record cold (The Daily Telegraph, UK, February 26, 2008)
2008 - Cold kills 1,300 in Afghanistan (RIA Novosti, February 27, 2008)
2008 - Record snow smothers New England (USA Today, February 28, 2008)
2008 - Coldest Winter in Memory (NewsMax, March 4, 2008)
2008 - Globe may be cooling on Global Warming (Scripps Howard News Service, March 5, 2008)
2008 - Layers of snow cause 5 roofs to collapse (Forbes, March 5, 2008)
2008 - Extreme cold kills 1,000 Tibetan gazelles (China Daily, March 7, 2008)
2008 - Coolest Winter Since 2001 For U.S., Globe, According To NOAA Data (Science Daily, March 15, 2008)
2008 - It was the coldest Easter for more than 40 years (Daily Mail, UK, March 25, 2008)
2008 - The Oceans Have Stopped Warming! (Canada Free Press, March 26, 2008)
2008 - Global temperatures 'to decrease' (BBC, April 4, 2008)
2008 - No Global Warming Since 1998 As Planet Cools Off (Prison Planet, April 4, 2008)
2008 - Global Warming? Northeast Skies Through a Snowy Season (The New York Sun, April 4, 2008)
2008 - Global warming? Scotland sees its best snow in a decade (The Times, UK, April 19, 2008)
2008 - The Antarctic deep sea gets colder (Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research, April 21, 2008)
2008 - Glacier resumes growing in Mount St. Helens crater (The Seattle Times, April 21, 2008)
2008 - Sorry to ruin the fun, but an ice age cometh (The Australian, April 23, 2008)
2008 - Global warming may 'stop', scientists predict (The Daily Telegraph, UK, April 30, 2008)
2008 - May Day storm brings snow to Colorado mountains (USA Today, May 1, 2008)
2008 - New Jason Satellite Indicates 23-Year Global Cooling (Hawaii Reporter, May 7, 2008)
2008 - U.S. Has 36th Coolest Spring on Record (NOAA, June 6, 2008)
2008 - Global Temperature Also Cooler in May (Anthony Watts, Meteorologist, June 6, 2008)
2008 - Global Warming Movement Turns Cool (James Spann, AMS Certified Meteorologist, June 22, 2008)
2008 - Warming on 11 year hiatus? How about cooling? (Anthony Watts, Meteorologist, June 23, 2008)
2008 - Astronomical Society of Australia publishes new paper warning of solar quieting and global cooling (Anthony Watts, Meteorologist, June 28, 2008)
2008 - Australian Researchers Warn of Global Cooling (DailyTech, July 1, 2008)
2008 - Charlotte temperature hits 123-year low (The Charlotte Observer, July 2, 2008)
2008 - UAH Global Temperatures, June 2008 still low (Anthony Watts, Meteorologist, July 2, 2008)
2008 - Glaciers on California's Mt. Shasta keep growing (USA Today, July 8, 2008)
2008 - Four scientists: Global Warming Out, Global Cooling In (Anthony Watts, Meteorologist, July 12, 2008)
2008 - Shifting of the Pacific Decadal Oscillation assures global cooling for the next 3 decades (Don J. Easterbrook Ph.D. Professor of Environmental Geology, July 20, 2008)
2008 - Anchorage’s record setting cold summer (Anchorage Daily News, July 24th, 2008)
2008 - More Global Cooling Ahead, Study Says (The Heartland Institute, August 1, 2008)
2008 - Could the Earth be cooling its heels? (Delta Farm Press, August 7, 2008)
2008 - Solar radio waves could signal global cooling (Financial Post, Canada, August 11, 2008)
2008 - Is there a cold future just lying in wait for us? (Belfast Telegraph, UK, August 13, 2008)
2008 - Decade has had fewest 90-degree days since 1930 (Chicago Tribune, August 13, 2008)
2008 - Dearth Of Sunspot Activity To Herald New Ice Age? (Prison Planet, August 14, 2008)
2008 - Hadley Climate Center Data shows global cooling in the last year (Anthony Watts, Meteorologist, August 15, 2008)
2008 - Mexican scientist warn Earth will enter 'Little Ice Age' for up to 80 Years Due to decrease in solar activity (Right Side News, August 19, 2008)
2008 - Global cooling gains momentum among scientists (Delta Farm Press, August 25, 2008)
2008 - Former head of CSIRO’s division of space science says global cooling may be on the way (Canberra Times, Australia, August 26, 2008)
2008 - 'Snowfall' shocks Kenyan village (BBC, September 3, 2008)
2008 - Global Warming’s Kaput; 2008 Coolest in 5 Years (NewsMax, September 8, 2008)
2008 - Old Farmers Almanac: Global cooling may be underway (USA Today, September 9, 2008)
2008 - NAS reports: 50 million year cooling trend (The Christian Science Monitor, September 25, 2008)
2008 - Global cooling sign: Solar winds at 50-year-low (Financial Post, Canada, September 28, 2008)
2008 - Ireland: Coldest September for 14 years (The Press Association, October 1, 2008)
2008 - Boise gets earliest snow on record (The Idaho Statesman, October 11, 2008)
2008 - Alaskan Glaciers Grow for First Time in 250 years (DailyTech, October 16, 2008)
2008 - Thirty years of warmer temperatures go poof (National Post, Canada, October 20, 2008)
2008 - Chill in the air: record low temps in 10 states (Anthony Watts, Meteorologist, October 26, 2008)
2008 - London has first October snow in over 70 years (The Guardian, UK, October 29, 2008)
2008 - Tibet's 'worst snowstorm ever', 7 killed (Xinhua, October 30, 2008)
2008 - NOAA: U.S. breaks or ties 115 cold and sets 63 new snowfall records (Anthony Watts, Meteorologist, October 30, 2008)
2008 - Global Cooling is Here (Global Research, November 2, 2008)
2008 - Alarmists Still Heated Even As World Cools (Investors Business Daily, November 04, 2008)
2008 - Third building collapses under weight of snow (Ottawa Citizen, November 10, 2008)
2008 - Bitter cold shatters record (The Charlotte Observer, November 19, 2008)
2008 - UK brought to standstill as five inches of snow falls (The Daily Telegraph, UK, November 25, 2008)
2008 - Glaciers in Norway Growing Again (DailyTech, November 27, 2008)
2008 - Early Snowfalls In Europe Hit 'Historic Levels' (Ski Report Europe, December 3, 2008)
2008 - Rare 50 year Arctic Blast Sets Sights On Southern California (Ontario Weather Service, December 8, 2008)
2008 - Oscillation Rules as the Pacific Cools (NASA, December 9, 2008)
2008 - Houston ties earliest snowfall record (Houston Chronicle, December 10, 2008)
2008 - Rare snow falls in south Louisiana, Miss., Alabama (ABC News, December 11, 2008)
2008 - Worst ice storm in decade hits New England (Nashua Telegraph, December 12, 2008)
2008 - Cold weather sets records in several cities (Great Falls Tribune, December 14, 2008)
2008 - Denver breaks 107 year old record (Thornton Weather, December 15, 2008)
2008 - Dangerously cold temperatures set records in Denver (Thornton Weather, December 15, 2008)
2008 - Record low temperature set this morning in Seattle (The Seattle Times, December 15, 2008)
2008 - Northeast Siberia braces for extreme cold of -60C (RIA Novosti, December 15, 2008)
2008 - Record cold chills out Colorado (The Gazette, December 15, 2008)
2008 - Record cold grips southern Alberta (The Lethbridge Herald, Canada, December 15, 2008)
2008 - Record snow hits Nanaimo in British Columbia, Canada (Times Colonist, Canada, December 15, 2008)
2008 - Record setting cold continues for Thornton and Denver (Thornton Weather, December 16, 2008)
2008 - This year is coolest since 2000 (BBC, December 16, 2008)
2008 - St. Cloud, Minnesota Records fall to weather system (St. Cloud Times, December 17, 2008)
2008 - The Cause of Cold Weather Is Global Warming? (FOX News, December 18, 2008)
2008 - Global cooling is here (Seattle Post-Intelligencer, December 18, 2008)
2008 - Record snow fall paralyzing Spokane (The Seattle Times, December 18, 2008)
2008 - Frigid Storm Closes California Freeways, Drops Snow in Malibu (FOX News, December 18, 2008)
2008 - Las Vegas gets heaviest snow fall in 30 years (The Daily Telegraph, UK, December 18, 2008)
2008 - Carports collapse under heavy snow (Las Vegas Sun, December 18, 2008)
2008 - Bihar cold wave death toll rises to 24 (The Bihar Times, India, December 19, 2008)
2008 - The Alps have best snow conditions 'in a generation' (The Daily Telegraph, UK, December 19, 2008)
2008 - Global cooling brings early white Christmas (Ventura County Star, December 20, 2008)
2008 - Albany Breaks 1887 Snow Record (North County Gazette, December 21, 2008)
2008 - The Spotless Sun Continues as Global Cooling Arrives (Joseph D’Aleo, M.S. Meteorology, CCM, AMS Fellow, December 21, 2008)
2008 - Beijing's coldest December day in 57 years (Danwei, Hong Kong, December 22, 2008)
2008 - 40-Year Record Snow Buries Portland Area (The Oregonian, December 22, 2008)
2008 - Heavy snow causes a roof to collapse in Portland (The Oregonian, December 22, 2008)
2008 - Record amount of snow on the ground in Calgary (Financial Post, Canada, December 22, 2008)
2008 - Snow causes roof collapse at Calgary Soccer Centre (Calgary Herald, Canada, December 22, 2008)
2008 - Snow causes roof collapse at Marysville business (The Seattle Times, December 22, 2008)
2008 - Cold weather kills 10 in Maryland since October (The Baltimore Examiner, December 23, 2008)
2008 - It's Cold Outside, But Global Warming Industry Still Hard At Work (Human Events. December 23, 2008)
2008 - An inconvenient truth: The Earth is cooling (The Baltimore Examiner, December 23, 2008)
2008 - Snow, again? Vegas sets another record this morning (Las Vegas Sun, December 23, 2008)
2008 - Deep freeze, heavy snows blast US; holiday travel snarled (AFP, December 23, 2008)
2008 - Record snow buries Beaver Creek, Colorado (Vail Daily, December 24, 2008)
2008 - Half of the USA is covered in snow (Anthony Watts, Meteorologist, December 25, 2008)
2008 - San Juan County, New Mexico experiences rare white Christmas (The Daily Times, December 25, 2008)
2008 - Canadians get first national white Christmas in nearly four decades (The Canadian Press, December 25, 2008)
2008 - For the First Time in Years, Western Part of Lake Superior Freezes Over (ICECAP, Wisconsin, December 26, 2008)
2008 - Green Bay snowfall breaks 1887 record for December (Green Bay Press-Gazette, December 26, 2008)
2008 - Heavy snow causes roof collapse at Olympia high school (The Seattle Times, December 26, 2008)
2008 - Snowfall immobilizes rural communities in eastern, central Turkey (Todays Zaman, December 26, 2008)
2008 - Spokane sets snow record, tops 45 inches (Yakima Herald-Republic, December 26, 2008)
2008 - Two Flagstaff strip malls closed after roofs collapse due to heavy snow (The Arizona Daily Sun, December 26, 2008)
2008 - Cold creates record energy demand (Great Falls Tribune, December 27, 2008)
2008 - Thousands trapped in -15 degree snowstorm in Sikkim, India (The Times of India, December 27, 2008)
2008 - White Christmas in Hawaii (Big Island Video News, December 27, 2008)
2008 - Olympia Horse-arena roofs collapse under snow (The Seattle Times, December 28, 2008)
2008 - Record-breaking cold descends on Switzerland (Swissinfo, Switzerland, December 28, 2008)
2008 - Ice age on its way (The Arizona Republic, December 28, 2008)
2008 - It's official: Snowfall record for single month tumbles (Wisconsin State Journal, December 29, 2008)
2008 - Snowfall amounts set records across North Dakota (Associated Press, December 30, 2008)
2008 - Record December snow at Grand Forks (Associated Press, December 30, 2008)
2008 - Spokane digs out from record-breaking snow (Associated Press, December 30, 2008)
2008 - 1958 Parry Sound Canada snow record broken (Parry Sound North Star, December 31, 2008)
2008 - 48 inches of snow in Fox Valley Wisconsin buries previous record set in 1968 (Appleton Post-Crescent, December 31, 2008)
2008 - Spokane roofs collapse under record snow (The News Tribune, December 31, 2008)
2008 - Arctic Sea Ice Ends 2008 at Same Level as 1979 (DailyTech, January 1, 2009)

magus (IP-tala skráð) 12.1.2010 kl. 00:52

66 identicon

2009 - Record cold wind chills of -50 C recorded overnight in Saskatchewan (Canadian Press, January 4, 2009)
2009 - Coldest start to the New Year for seven years (The Daily Telegraph, UK, January 5, 2009)
2009 - Forget warming, greenhouse gases may trigger ice age (The Times of India, January 5, 2009)
2009 - London colder than Antarctica (The Daily Telegraph, UK, January 5, 2009)
2009 - Poor burn books to stay warm in chilly India, 55 dead (Reuters, January 5, 2009)
2009 - Cold streak breaks 1892 record, Saskatoon experiences 24 consecutive days of -25 C (The StarPhoenix, January 6, 2009)
2009 - Record cold weather payouts triggered as temperature hits -11C (The Times, UK, January 6, 2009)
2009 - Record-breaking cold -37 in Moose Jaw, Canada (The Moose Jaw Times Herald, Canada, January 6, 2009)
2009 - NCDC’s own graphic shows decadal cooling trend (Watts Up With That?, January 6, 2009)
2009 - Global Warming is Really Global Cooling (Right Side News, January 6, 2009)
2009 - Schools remain closed amid freeze (BBC, January 7, 2009)
2009 - Seven freeze to death in Europe's coldest winter night (AFP, January 7, 2009)
2009 - Spokane, Wash., residents cope with record snow (Fox News, January 7, 2009)
2009 - 12 deaths blamed on snow, cold across Europe (Associated Press, January 7, 2009)
2009 - Deadly cold, heavy snow grip Europe (National Post, January 8, 2009)
2009 - Extreme Alaska cold 60 below grounds planes, disables cars (CNS News, January 8, 2009)
2009 - Minn. sled race canceled because of heavy snow (USA Today, January 8, 2009)
2009 - Temperature in Germany Falls to Minus 34.6 Degrees (Spiegel Online, January 8, 2009)
2009 - Record snow takes toll on Great Falls plowing budget, crews (Montana News Network, January 9, 2009)
2009 - Life At Negative 78 Degrees In Alaska (NPR, January 9, 2009)
2009 - Britain in grip of longest cold snap for 10 years (The Daily Telegraph, January 10, 2009)
2009 - Polar Sea Ice Changes are Having a Net Cooling Effect on the Climate (Watts Up With That?, January 10, 2009)
2009 - Slovenia with record low temperature -49 (Montenegrin News Agency, January 11, 2009)
2009 - Earth on the Brink of an Ice Age (Pravda, Russia, January 11, 2009)
2009 - Frosty Hong Kong shivers through coldest spell for 16 years (The Earth Times, January 12, 2009)
2009 - ND gets blizzard on top of December's record snow (Fox News, January 12, 2009)
2009 - Global Cooling Headed Our Way (Newsmax, January 13, 2009)
2009 - Record cold hits eastern ND (The Daily News, January 13, 2009)
2009 - Sharp cold wave shocks upper Midwest, temps to -36 (Associated Press, January 13, 2009)
2009 - Bismarck reports day snow record 5.4 inches (KXNet, January 14, 2009)
2009 - Biting cold hits Northeast, keeps even skiers home (ABC News, January 14, 2009)
2009 - Coldest night in 5 years sinks into state (KAAL-TV Minnesota, January 14, 2009)
2009 - Flint's 95-year-old record low falls as 19 below zero hits city (The Flint Journal, January 14, 2009)
2009 - Shocking cold wave drops temps to 40 below zero (Associated Press, January 14, 2009)
2009 - Two-day deep freeze bringing coldest temps in several years (Daily Times Herald, January 14, 2009)
2009 - Coldest Temperatures In 5 Years Paralyze Minn. (WCCO-TV Minnesota, January 15, 2009)
2009 - D.C. Sees Coldest Weather in 5 Years (WJLA-TV Washington D.C., January 15, 2009)
2009 - Dutch canals freeze over for the first time in 12 years (The New York Times, January 15, 2009)
2009 - On the Brink of Climatic Disaster: the Coming Ice Age (The John Birch Society, January 15, 2009)
2009 - Swallow survives coldest spell for 20 years as Britain braced for 80mph winds (The Daily Telegraph, UK, January 15, 2009)
2009 - The Ice Age Cometh: Experts Warn of Global Cooling (Business & Media Institute, January 15, 2009)
2009 - Americans suffer record cold as temperatures plunge to -40C (Daily Mail, UK, January 16, 2009)
2009 - Arctic front freezes US, Canada in record cold snap (AFP, January 16, 2009)
2009 - Heavy snow causes 6,000 traffic accidents, 24 deaths in Moscow (RIA Novosti, January 16, 2009)
2009 - Iowa Endures Record-Breaking Cold (KCRG-TV Iowa, January 16, 2009)
2009 - Mercury hits 27 below; 2nd coldest ever in Galesburg (Galesburg Register-Mail, January 16, 2009)
2009 - Record-breaking cold chills Western Massachusetts (The Republican, January 16, 2009)
2009 - Cold snaps 124-year-old record in Fredericton, Canada (The Daily Gleaner, January 17, 2009)
2009 - Record Cold Chills North Country, New York (North Country Gazette, January 17, 2009)
2009 - Record cold in Detroit as deep freeze continues (Associated Press, January 17, 2009)
2009 - Thailand temperatures are coldest in a decade (The Jakarta Post, January 17, 2009)
2009 - Low temperature ties 1951 record in Hawaii (The Maui News, January 20, 2009)
2009 - Oceans are cooling according to NASA (The Baltimore Weather Examiner, January 21, 2009)
2009 - Frigid temps are coldest in a decade (Independent Herald, January 22, 2009)
2009 - Shanghai reports coldest winter for 18 years (Xinhua, January 24, 2009)
2009 - UAE mountain covered in rare snow (AFP, January 25, 2009)
2009 - This January is 18th coldest in 139 years in Western New York (The Buffalo News, January 27, 2009)
2009 - 8 found dead in Michigan cold since Jan. 17 (The Chicago Tribune, January 28, 2009)
2009 - Two Fairfield, Illinois businesses collapse under snow, ice (Evansville Courier & Press, January 28, 2009)
2009 - Ice storm cuts power to 870,000 in Midwest (Reuters, January 28, 2009)
2009 - Docks Collapse Under Weight of Snow, Sleet and Ice (Ozarks First, January 29, 2009)
2009 - Global Cooling Under-reported (Science & Public Policy Institute, January 29, 2009)
2009 - Snow Storm Sweeps Northeast From Texas; at Least 23 Are Dead (The New York Times, January 29, 2009)
2009 - World is getting colder (The Washington Times, January 30, 2009)
2009 - January One of Coldest in Decade (The Washington Post, February 1, 2009)
2009 - Saginaw Michigan breaks 1947 snowfall record for a calendar year (The Saginaw News, February 2, 2009)
2009 - Heaviest Snow in 18 Years Brings Much of Europe to a Halt (Fox News, February 2, 2009)
2009 - 75 inches of January snow sets Juneau record (Anchorage Daily News, February 3, 2009)
2009 - Arctic Sea Ice Increases at Record Rate (Watts Up With That?, February 3, 2009)
2009 - Slippery Slope: Ice Age Cometh in Five Years (NewsMax, February 3, 2009)
2009 - Snow chaos as coldest winter for years hits Britain (The Australian, February 3, 2009)
2009 - Mt. LeConte Lodge records coldest temp in more than 20 years (WVLT-TV Tennessee, February 4, 2009)
2009 - Recent cold snap in Mount Airy, NC shatters 1982 record (Mount Airy News, February 4, 2009)
2009 - Coldest Temperatures In 20 Years! (WCTV Florida, February 5, 2009)
2009 - Six die in snow roof collapse in Morocco (afrol News, February 5, 2009)
2009 - Coldest Dublin winter for 18 years, says Met office (The Irish Times, February 6, 2009[/])
2009 - Hamilton, Ontario Canada broke a 28-year record low temperature ([i]The Hamilton Sectator, February 6, 2009)
2009 - Ice, snow collapse several Anna, Illinois buildings (The Southern, February 6, 2009)
2009 - Vail, Colorado set record for January snow (Vail Daily, February 6, 2009)
2009 - Bristol endures its coldest weather in 20 years (Bristol Evening Post, UK, February 7, 2009)
2009 - Record Low Temperatures in Western Cuba (Cuba News Headlines, February 8, 2009)
2009 - Record-breaking cold -50°F temperature reached in Maine (NOAA, February 10, 2009)
2009 - Snow storms force German motorists to sleep in cars (The Earth Times, February 11, 2009)
2009 - Snowstorms wreak havoc in the Balkans (The Earth Times, February 19, 2009)
2009 - Little ice age may be on the way (Lincolnshire Echo, UK, February 20, 2009)
2009 - GUINEA: Record cold snap destroys crops, kills hundreds of animals (Reuters, February 20, 2009)
2009 - Ice Age or global warming? (Reuters, February 24th, 2009)
2009 - 'Snow bomb' brings record snowfall across New Brunswick (CBC News, February 24, 2009)
2009 - Snowiest Winter Ever Recorded in North Dakota (Watts Up With That?, February 27, 2009)
2009 - Global Cooling Continues (The Hearland Institute, March 1, 2009)
2009 - Joy in NYC: Kids get first snow day in five years (USA Today, March 2, 2009)
2009 - Providence sets record; Coventry tops RI for snowfall (The Providence Journal, March 2, 2009)
2009 - Record breaking snowfall in Milwaukee (WKOW-TV Wisconsin, March 2, 2009)
2009 - Coldest winter in UK for 13 years (BBC, March 3, 2009)
2009 - Ferocious storm dumps heavy snow on East Coast (ABC News, March 3, 2009)
2009 - Lynchburg Virginia breaks 84-year cold record (Lynchburg News and Advance, March 3, 2009)
2009 - 84-year-old cold temperature record falls in Baltimore (Baltimore Sun, March 3, 2009)
2009 - Senators Debate Global Warming Policy Despite Global Cooling Evidence (CNSNews, March 4, 2009)
2009 - Cuba's winter among its coldest (Miami Herald, March 5, 2009)
2009 - Late snowfalls in Britain bring chaos to roads and rail (The Earth Times, March 5, 2009)
2009 - Lake Superior is freezing over (Watts Up With That?, March 7, 2009)
2009 - Blizzard blasts northern Plains, upper Midwest (USA Today, March 10, 2009)
2009 - It wasn't just cold, it was record cold in Yakima, Washington (Yakima Herald Republic, March 12, 2009)
2009 - Record-brrrrrrrrreaking cold -34.8 C in Regina, Canada (CBC News, March 12, 2009)
2009 - Edmonton Canada bests all time record low by -12 degrees (Watts Up With That?, March 15, 2009)
2009 - Snowy 1st Day Of Spring For Some Northeast Towns (Associated Press, March 20, 2009)
2009 - Shocker: 'Global warming' simply no longer happening (WorldNetDaily, March 22, 2009)
2009 - New Report Predicts "New Global Ice Age" (Reuters, March 23, 2009)
2009 - Blizzard Punishes Several States (The New York Times, March 24, 2009)
2009 - Crashes injure 15 as blizzard blasts Colo., Wyo. (USA Today, March 26, 2009)
2009 - Blizzard Hits Southern Plains (The New York Times, March 27, 2009)
2009 - Southwest, central N.D. hit by blizzard conditions (USA Today, March 30, 2009)
2009 - Spokane records snowiest winter ever (The Seattle Times, March 30, 2009)
2009 - Coldest day since 1953 (The Cairns Post, March 31, 2009)
2009 - Late March Snowfall Breaks Bismarck, North Dakota, Record (Associated Content, March 31, 2009)
2009 - 3,500 cows died in blizzard (Amarillo Globe-News, April 2, 2009)
2009 - RSS MSU: 0.06 °C month-on-month cooling (The Reference Frame, April 3, 2009)
2009 - A rare April blizzard warning issued in Forest City Iowa (Britt News Tribune, April 4, 2009)
2009 - Satellite Data Shows Arctic Cooling in February and March (Watts Up With That?, April 4, 2009)
2009 - All-time Snow Records Tumbling Again for the Second Straight Year (Watts Up With That?, April 5, 2009)
2009 - Spring snowstorm keeps some western schools closed (Omaha World-Herald, April 6, 2009)
2009 - GISS: March 2009 was the coolest March in this century (The Reference Frame, April 14, 2009)
2009 - Disaster panel mulls record Kotzebue snow (Juneau Empire, April 17, 2009)
2009 - Global Warming Strikes Again: Up To 36 Inches Of Snow In Colorado (KXNet, April 17, 2009)
2009 - Record snowfall (102 inches) a concern in Kotzebue, Alaska (Siku News, April 17, 2009)
2009 - Colorado Hit With 41 Inches Of Snow - Record Snowfall With More On The Way (The Post Chronicle, April 18, 2009)
2009 - Revealed: Antarctic ice growing, not shrinking (The Australian, April 18, 2009)
2009 - Scientists baffled by Quiet Sun... ice age coming? (MINA, April 22, 2009)
2009 - The Next Ice Age (American Thinker, April 22, 2009)
2009 - Global Cooling Earth's Little-Known Threat (CBN News, April 25, 2009)
2009 - New Australian continent wide low temperature record set for April (Watts Up With That?, April 29, 2009)
2009 - Scientists Expect Global Cooling to Start Soon (Russia-IC, April 29, 2009)
2009 - Australian Ski Resort has it's earliest start to the season in the resort's 45-year history (ABC News, Australia, April 30, 2009)
2009 - Melbourne shivers through coldest April in 60 years (Herald Sun, Australia, April 30, 2009)
2009 - RSS MSU: 2nd coldest April since 1999 (The Reference Frame, May 2, 2009)
2009 - Sun Oddly Quiet - Hints at Next "Little Ice Age"? (National Geographic, May 4, 2009)
2009 - Quiet Sun May Trigger Global Cooling (Fox News, May 5, 2009)
2009 - NOAA: April Temperatures Slightly Cooler Than Average for U.S. (NOAA, May 8, 2009)
2009 - Snow in Saudi Arabia in May? (Watts Up With That?, May 12, 2009)
2009 - Pouring cold water on global warming (The Belfast Telegraph, UK, May 13, 2009)
2009 - The Coming Ice Age (American Thinker, May 13, 2009)
2009 - Geologist forecasts global cooling (ABC, Australia, May 15, 2009)
2009 - Summer haze has a cooling effect in southeastern United States, says new study (University of California Berkeley, May 18, 2009)
2009 - Weekend snow sets record in International Falls (Minneapolis Star Tribune, May 18, 2009)
2009 - Another record-setting cold morning in Austin breaks 109 year old record (The Austin American-Statesman, May 19, 2009)
2009 - Baltimore Morning cold breaks record (The Baltimore Sun, May 19, 2009)
2009 - Record cold on the coast of South Carolina (The State, May 19, 2009)
2009 - Record cold hits Far North breaks 113 year record in the Cooktown region (The Cairns Post, May 23, 2009)
2009 - Canada Has a Frigid May after a Cold Winter (Watts Up With That?, May 27, 2009)
2009 - Cooler decades ahead, researcher says (SitNews, May 28, 2009)
2009 - Still More on Diminished Solar Activity and Global Cooling (Dakota Voice, May 30, 3009)
2009 - Red Centre shivers in record cold (ABC News, Australia, June 1, 2009)
2009 - Record cold in May and more chill to come (TVNZ, New Zealand, June 3, 2009)
2009 - Isn't this June? Snow sticking around on Pikes Peak (The Gazette, June 5, 2009)
2009 - RSS Global Temperature Anomaly also down in May, halving the April value (Watts Up With That?, June 5, 2009)
2009 - UAH global temperature anomaly for May – down again, near zero (Watts Up With That?, June 5, 2009)
2009 - Snow falls in western ND, in June, first time in 60 years (KXNet, June 6, 2009)
2009 - Alberta, Saskatchewan get snow in June (National Post, Canada, June 7, 2009)
2009 - Canada frosts the most widespread in recent memory (Reuters, June 9, 2009)
2009 - Abominable as snow hits Britain (Daily Star, UK, June 8, 2009)
2009 - Cold weather record set in Flathead (Montana's News Station, June 9, 2009)
2009 - Canadian Wheat Output May Fall on Dry, Cool Weather (Bloomberg, June 11, 2009)
2009 - Coldest day for 43 years (The Australian, June 13, 2009)
2009 - Crops under stress as temperatures fall (The Daily Telegraph, UK, June 13, 2009)
2009 - Ocean waters off British Columbia coldest in half century (Chinook Observer, June 23, 2009)
2009 - First Ever Ice Wine in Brazil (Watts Up With That?, June 16, 2009)
2009 - Earth on the Brink of an Ice Age (DC Weather Examiner, June 29, 2009)
2009 - July Opens with Near-Record Cold (WTMJ-TV Wisconsin, July 1, 2009)
2009 - Global Cooling: Bad News For Global Warming Alarmists (Right Side News, July 6, 2009)
2009 - Frost in July hits P.E.I. (CBC News, July 8, 2009)
2009 - Chicago has its coolest July 8 in 118 years (The Chicago Tribune, July 9, 2009)
2009 - RSS Global Temperature for June 09, also down (Watts Up With That?, July 10, 2009)
2009 - Cooler weather bringing the “luck of the Irish” to the USA (Watts Up With That?, July 11, 2009)
2009 - Record Cold in Regina and Estevan Canada: Beats 92-Year-Old Record Low (CKOM-AM Canada, July 11, 2009)
2009 - Global Cooling Chills Summer 2009 (National Review Online, July 13, 2009)
2009 - NYC fails to reach 85°F in June – first time since 1916 (Watts Up With That?, July 13, 2009)
2009 - Record cold in Portland Maine in July (Watts Up With That?, July 13, 2009)
2009 - 113-Year Record Cold in Pittsburgh, 27 in MI (AccuWeather, July 14, 2009)
2009 - July 2009; Coldest on Record So Far (Discover Moose Jaw, July 16, 2009)
2009 - West Michigan record cold (Grand Rapids Weather Examiner, July 18, 2009)
2009 - Record low temperatures across Mississippi, this morning (Jackson Weather Examiner, July 19, 2009)
2009 - Cold front brings Alabama record lows (Tuscaloosa News, July 21, 2009)
2009 - Coldest July 21 In Nashville, Tennessee Since 1877 (The Post Chronicle, July 22, 2009)
2009 - Historic snow event in South America (Watts Up With That?, July 23, 2009)
2009 - Worry about global cooling, not warming (Kennebec Journal, July 23, 2009)
2009 - Cool summer disappoints tourists, delays crops (Associated Press, July 25, 2009)
2009 - Global cooling hits Al Gore's home (The Daily Telegraph, UK, July 25, 2009)
2009 - So where's that global cooling alert? (The Globe and Mail, Canada, July 27, 2009)
2009 - Record setting cool weather hits Denver and brings snow to the mountains (Denver Weather Examiner, July 30, 2009)
2009 - Rochester records second-coldest July (Rochester Democrat and Chronicle, July 31, 2009)
2009 - Antarctic air flow brings record snow fall to the Falkland Islands (MercoPress, August 1, 2009)
2009 - Coldest July ever for Grand Rapids, Michigan (Grand Rapids Weather Examiner, August 1, 2009)
2009 - Coldest July on Record for Huntington, West Virginia (WOWK-TV West Virginia, August 1, 2009)
2009 - Coolest July Ever for Fort Wayne, Indiana (Indiana's NewsCenter, August 1, 2009)
2009 - July was coldest on record for International Falls, Minnesota (KQDS-TV Minnesota, August 1, 2009)
2009 - That was the coldest July in Dubuque, Iowa Ever (Dubuque Telegraph Herald, August 1, 2009)
2009 - Media blames record cold on nature, warming on man (Energy Publisher, August 3, 2009)
2009 - Global cooling blamed as bikini record attempt falls flat (National Post, Canada, August 4, 2009)
2009 - July 2009 coldest in 33 years, weather service says (The Patriot-News, August 4, 2009)
2009 - July sets record for cold 1,100 new low temperatures set (Ravenna Record Courier, August 4, 2009)
2009 - Scientific evidence now points to global cooling, contrary to U.N. alarmism (The Washington Examiner, August 4, 2009)
2009 - July ranks in the top three for coldest (WLUC-TV Michigan, August 6, 2009)
2009 - NOAA: July Temperature Below-Average for the U.S. (NOAA, August 10, 2009)
2009 - Falling Temperatures Confound Alarmists (The Heartland Institute, September 1, 2009)
2009 - Record-setting cold weekend (The Daily Journal, September 3, 2009)
2009 - UAH: global temperature down in August by .181°C, SH sees biggest drop of 0.4°C (Watts Up With That?, September 4, 2009)
2009 - Record snowfall for Cardrona, New Zealand (Otago Daily Times, September 7, 2009)
2009 - NOAA: Summer Temperature Below Average for U.S. (NOAA, September 10, 2009)
2009 - Svensmark: “global warming stopped and a cooling is beginning” (Watts Up With That?, September 10, 2009)
2009 - Scientists see signs of global cooling (Belfast Telegraph, UK, September 21, 2009)
2009 - Planet Cooling Down Amid Global Warming Madness (NewsMax, September 23, 2009)
2009 - U.S. Northeast May Have Coldest Winter in a Decade (Bloomberg, September 28, 2009)
2009 - Forecast: A cooling trend on climate change (Canada Free Press, September 29, 2009)
2009 - NASA: Cosmic rays up 19% since last peak – new record high could lead to cooling (Watts Up With That?, September 29, 2009)
2009 - Storm brought record cold in six areas in Utah (Deseret News, ?October 1, 2009?)
2009 - Cold spell brings record low temperatures to Southern California (Los Angeles Times, ?October 6, 2009?)
2009 - October off to record cold start in Grand Junction, Colorado (Grand Junction Sentinel, October 6, 2009)
2009 - Shocker! Ice melt lowest in 30 years (WorldNetDaily, October 8, 2009)
2009 - What happened to global warming? (BBC, October 9, 2009)
2009 - Biggest news you’ve never heard: Earth isn’t warming (The Christian Science Monitor, October 10, 2009)
2009 - It was cold enough to break a record (Gillette News Record, October 10, 2009)
2009 - Record cold kills NL playoff game (Daily Mail, Charleston, October 10, 2009)
2009 - Record cold temperatures greet fans as Colorado Rockies and Philadelphia Phillies prepare for Game 3 (The Express Times, October 10, 2009)
2009 - Record snowfall, cold hit Central Nebraska (Grand Island Independent, October 10, 2009)
2009 - Denver breaks 104 year old cold temperature record as Arctic chill sets in (Denver Weather Examiner, October 11, 2009)
2009 - B.C. Interior hit with record-breaking cold snap (CTV British Columbia, October 12, 2009)
2009 - Bellingham, Washington sets cold record (Bellingham Herald, October 12, 2009)
2009 - Early winter arrival with record lows and snow in Baltimore (Baltimore Weather Examiner, October 12, 2009)
2009 - Kalispell, Montana hits new cold record (Daily Inter Lake, October 12, 2009)
2009 - Iowa sees record cold (Chicago Tribune, October 12, 2009)
2009 - Record cold, early snow grip Prairies on Thanksgiving (CBC News, October 12, 2009)
2009 - Record cold hits Wenatchee, Washington; snow on the way (The Wenatchee World Online, October 12, 2009)
2009 - Three Decades Of Global Cooling (Investors Business Daily, October 12, 2009)
2009 - Winter hits Calgary roads after record cold (Calgary Herald, October 12, 2009)
2009 - Good snow spells a record year for New Zealand ski fields (Reuters, October 13, 2009)
2009 - Monday snowfall breaks record in Southern Minnesota (Austin Herald, October 13, 2009)
2009 - Record cold, snow hits central Canada (Times of the Internet, October 13, 2009)
2009 - Western Montana towns report coldest temperatures ever for Oct. 12 (The Missoulian, October 13, 2009)
2009 - Austria gets record October snow (Radio Netherlands, October 14, 2009)
2009 - Central Europe hit by heavy snow, high winds (Reuters, October 14, 2009)
2009 - Early start to winter ?20% of USA is covered in snow already (Watts Up With That?, October 14, 2009)
2009 - October Cold Snap Sets 82-Year Record in Chicago (WBBM-TV Chicago, October 14, 2009)
2009 - Record-setting cold in Laurel, Montana (Laurel Outlook, October 14, 2009)
2009 - Whatever happened to global warming? (Daily Mail, UK, October 14, 2009)
2009 - European cold snap kills 4 in Poland, cuts power (Reuters, October 15, 2009)
2009 - Record cold day ties 1874 record in Baltimore (Baltimore Weather Examiner, October 15, 2009)
2009 - Earliest snow on record blankets Poconos, Penn State (Philadelphia Inquirer, October 16, 2009)
2009 - Record-Breaking Early Snowfall In New York, New Jersey (The Huffington Post, October 16, 2009)
2009 - Friday coldest Oct. 16 in DC in 138 years (The Washington Examiner, October 17, 2009)
2009 - October bringing record cold to Topeka, Kansas (Topeka Capital Journal, October 17, 2009)
2009 - Record snow at Penn State cancels tailgating on Homecoming Weekend (Baltimore Weather Examiner, October 17, 2009)
2009 - A cold start to fall: over 4500 new snowfall, low temp, and lowest max temp records set in the USA this last week (Watts Up With That?, October 18, 2009)
2009 - There's a global cooling trend (StandardNet, October 19, 2009)
2009 - Study: model in good agreement with satellite temperature data – suggest cooling (Watts Up With That?, October 20, 2009)
2009 - Cold start to fall continues, 252 more low temperature records set in the USA this week (Watts Up With That?, October 23, 2009)
2009 - Snow sets October record (Omaha World-Herald, October 23, 2009)
2009 - The "cold war" hits home – October in like a lion, out like a fridge (Watts Up With That?, October 25, 2009)
2009 - Russian research forecasts global cooling (WorldNetDaily, October 27, 2009)
2009 - Global cooling welcomed here (Caymanian Compass, October 28, 2009)
2009 - North Platte, NE Breaks All-Time Snow Record (AccuWeather, November 2, 2009)
2009 - Coldest October in 64 years (The Dominion Post, New Zealand, November 3, 2009)
2009 - Record cold and rain: October 2009 climate statistics for Baltimore (Baltimore Weather Examiner, November 3, 2009)
2009 - October’s significant chill – take your pick on descriptors (Watts Up With That?, November 5, 2009)
2009 - October 2009 3rd Coldest for US in 115 Years (Watts Up With That?, November 7, 2009)
2009 - Beware global cooling (Business Day, November 9, 2009)
2009 - Beijing’s Heaviest Snow in 54 Years Strands Thousands (Bloomberg, November 12, 2009)
2009 - Coldest November day in Delhi in five years (The Times of India, November 12, 2009)
2009 - Record snow turns Hebei's capital into wonderland (Global Times, China, November 12, 2009)
2009 - Roof collapse kills three children as snow blankets north China (Earthtimes, November 12, 2009)
2009 - Chinese schools collapse in snow (BBC, November 13, 2009)
2009 - Italian ski resorts killing it with record snow (Ski Channel, November 17, 2009)
2009 - A Week in Alaska: -46 Degrees, 186 MPH Winds (AccuWeather, November 17, 2009)
2009 - North-central China staggers under early snow; 40 die, 9,000 buildings collapse (Associated Press, November 18, 2009)
2009 - Climatologists Baffled by Global Warming Time-Out (Der Spiegel, November 19, 2009)
2009 - Hong Kong shivers in coldest November in more than 120 years (The Earth Times, November 19, 2009)
2009 - Whistler blows away November snowfall record (CBC News, November 19, 2009)
2009 - Often Alaska's coldest spot, Bettles is setting records (Anchorage Daily News, November 22, 2009)
2009 - Hiding evidence of global cooling (The Washington Times, November 24, 2009)
2009 - Snow on the French Riviera???? (CNN iReport, November 24, 2009)
2009 - Record snowfall on Mount Washington (Courier Islander, Canada, November 25, 2009)
2009 - The global-cooling cover-up (The Washington Times, November 27, 2009)
2009 - Denying the global-cooling cover-up (The Washington Times, December 1, 2009)
2009 - Whistler-Blackcomb sets November snow record (The Vancouver Sun, December 1, 2009)
2009 - Earliest snow on record for Houston and New Orleans (Baltimore Weather Examiner, December 4, 2009)
2009 - Houston gets earliest snowfall on record (Associated Press, December 4, 2009)
2009 - Record breaking snowfall from Houston, Texas to Grand Rapids, Michigan (Denver Weather Examiner, December 5, 2009)
2009 - Albertans break electricity demand record; cold, dark part of reason (Winnipeg Free Press, December 7, 2009)
2009 - Arizona Buckles Down for Rare Blizzard (CBS News, December 7, 2009)
2009 - Newfoundland digs out from record snow (UPI, December 7, 2009)
2009 - St. John's gets record snowfall (CBC News, December 7, 2009)
2009 - Blizzard dumps record snow on Siouxland (Sioux City Journal, December 8, 2009)
2009 - Early-season blizzard blamed for 4 deaths (UPI, December 8, 2009)
2009 - Record cold hits Sacramento (The Sacramento Bee, December 8, 2009)
2009 - Blizzard Paralyzes Much of Midwest (The New York Times, December 9, 2009)
2009 - Enormous winter storm over US (TVNZ, December 9, 2009)
2009 - Epic blizzard wreaks havoc: Blizzard forces school and road closures throughout Midwest (Akron Headlines Examiner, December 9, 2009)
2009 - Record cold temperatures chill Santa Cruz County (Santa Cruz Sentinel, December 9, 2009)
2009 - Sledding on cafeteria trays for first college snow day on record (WKOW-TV Wisconsin, December 9, 2009)
2009 - Southwest La. snowfall earliest on record (Jennings Daily News, December 9, 2009)
2009 - Storm dumps record snowfall in Carson, Nevada (Nevada Appeal, December 9, 2009)
2009 - State of Wisconsin shut down by Dec 09 blizzard, National Guard put on alert (Madison Political Buzz Examiner, December 9, 2009)
2009 - Massive Storms Cause Blizzard Conditions, 17 Deaths (ABC News, December 10, 2009)
2009 - Midwest & Great Lakes blizzard reached the intensity of a category 2 hurricane (Jackson Weather Examiner, December 10, 2009)
2009 - 3rd day of record cold at Sea-Tac (The Seattle Times, December 11, 2009)
2009 - Yes, the last decade saw global cooling, not warming (American Thinker, December 12, 2009)
2009 - Edmonton breaks weather record for coldest December 13 (National Post, Canada, December 13, 2009)
2009 - Greenhouse roofs collapse under heavy snow (KSL-TV Utah, December 13, 2009)
2009 - Lots of new cold and snow records in the USA this past week (Watts Up With That?, December 13, 2009)
2009 - Record setting cold grips Southwest Saskatchewan (Southwest Booster, December 13, 2009)
2009 - Extreme cold in Prairies; snowstorms in B.C. (National Post, Canada, December 14, 2009)
2009 - Midwest, Northeast dig out from brutal winter storm (USA Today, December 14, 2009)
2009 - Blizzard Dumps Snow on Copenhagen as Leaders Battle Warming (Bloomberg, December 17, 2009)
2009 - Record cold, snow envelop Japan Sea coast (The Japan Times, December 18, 2009)
2009 - Record snow continues to fall as deadly East Coast storm lingers (CNN, December 19, 2009)
2009 - A winter's worth of snow in 24 hours (The Philadelphia Inquirer, December 20, 2009)
2009 - 2nd highest three-day snowfall in history hits Valdez (Juneau Empire, December 20, 2009)
2009 - Blizzard-like storm pounds East; 5 deaths are reported (The Philadelphia Inquirer, December 20, 2009)
2009 - Passengers grounded as U.S. digs out from record snowfall (Toronto Star, December 20, 2009)
2009 - Record setting winter storm wallops the East Coast (Natural Disasters Examiner, December 20, 2009)
2009 - Record snowfall totals for Rhode Island (Providence Headlines Examiner, December 20, 2009)
2009 - Snow plays role in Georgetown roof collapse (December 20, 2009)
2009 - D.C. Blizzard Makes for a Rotten Time for U.S. Climate Attendees in Denmark (The New York Times, December 21, 2009)
2009 - D.C. digs out from record snowstorm (The Washington Times, December 21, 2009)
2009 - Guard Responds to Record Northeast Snowfall (U.S. Department of Defense)
2009 - Health Ministry: 27 people froze to death in Ukraine due to current cold wave (Kyiv Post, Ukraine, December 21, 2009)
2009 - Long Island Sees Record Snowfall (Long Island Press, December 21, 2009)
2009 - Over 50% of the USA is now covered in snow (Watts Up With That?, December 21, 2009)
2009 - Three freeze to death in Austria (Austrian Times, December 21, 2009)
2009 - Three people freeze to death in Bosnia (B92 Serbia, December 21, 2009)
2009 - Washington area digs out from record-setting snowfall (The Washington Post, December 21, 2009)
2009 - Elderly, Disabled Trapped by Record Snow (WJLA-TV Washington D.C., December 22, 2009)
2009 - European weather deaths pass 100 (The Guardian, UK, December 22, 2009)
2009 - Record cold conditions kill nine people in Czech Republic (Radio Prague, December 21, 2009)
2009 - Record snowfall blankets Moscow (Voice of Russian, December 22, 2009)
2009 - Winter freeze kills 79 in Poland (AFP, December 22, 2009)
2009 - 50 years of cooling predicted (Canada Free Press, December 23, 2009)
2009 - Big freeze brings misery and death to Europe (BBC, December 23, 2009)
2009 - Heavy Snow Causes Part of VA School's Roof to Collapse (WHSV-TV Virginia, December 23, 2009)
2009 - Snowfall breaks record at JFK, blankets NE Queens (New York Post, December 23, 2009)
2009 - Big freeze death toll rises to 17 (Daily Star, UK, December 24, 2009)
2009 - Blizzard freezes Christmas cheer (UPI, December 25, 2009)
2009 - Dallas-area snow is record for Christmas Eve (Dallas Morning News, December 25, 2009)
2009 - Deadly Cold Across Europe and Russia (NASA, December 25, 2009)
2009 - Holiday snowstorm hits much of central U.S. (CNN, December 25, 2009)
2009 - Nearly two thirds of the continental USA gets a white Christmas (Watts Up With That?, December 25, 2009)
2009 - Rare blizzard strikes West Texas (The Houston Chronicle, December 25, 2009)
2009 - White Christmas is one for the record books, KC (The Kansas City Star, December 25, 2009)
2009 - Whiteout Christmas: Blizzard whips through N.D. (Bismarck Tribune, December 25, 2009)
2009 - Christmas blizzard shuts down state (Rapid City Journal, December 26, 2009)
2009 - Duluth, International Falls set Christmas snow records (KQDS-TV Minnesota, December 26, 2009)
2009 - Satellite measurements show our quiet sun is cooling the upper thermosphere (Watts Up With That?, December 26, 2009)
2009 - 877 new snowfall records set or tied in the USA in the last week (Watts Up With That?, December 27, 2009)
2009 - Peoria breaks snowfall record (Peoria Journal Star, December 27, 2009)
2009 - Record snowfall hits region (St. Cloud Times, December 27, 2009)
2009 - Storm smashes snowfall records (Sioux City Journal, December 27, 2009)
2009 - December 2009 blizzard caused snow emergency (Green Bay Press Gazette, December 28, 2009)
2009 - Heavy Snow Leads To Roof Collapse (KETV Nebraska, December 28, 2009)
2009 - Record Levels Of Snowfall Hit City (The St. Petersburg Times, Russia, December 28, 2009)
2009 - 4 more die of cold in UP; toll reaches 18 (United News of India, December 29, 2009)
2009 - Blizzard halts weekend mail delivery (Times Record News, December 29, 2009)
2009 - Carlsbad receives record-setting snowfall (Carlsbad Current Argus, December 29, 2009)
2009 - Minot sets December snowfall record (Minot Daily News, December 29, 2009)
2009 - Record snow falls in Dallas / Fort Worth area (Coastal Carolina Weather Examiner, December 29, 2009)
2009 - Blizzard blasts region with 'Whiteout' Christmas (The Chadron Record, December 30, 2009)
2009 - Christmas Eve blizzard claims 3 lives in county (The Tuttle Times, December 30, 2009)
2009 - Record snow lures thousands to Mount Washington (Times Colonist, Canada, December 30, 2009)
2009 - Six killed as Big New Year Freeze takes deadly grip of Britain (Daily Mail, UK, December 30, 2009)
2009 - Snowfall breaks December record (Topeka Capital Journal, December 30, 2009)
2009 - Snowstorm squelches climate change protest (The Salt Lake Tribune, December 30, 2009)
2009 - Weight of Snow Causes Barn Collapse (Nobles County Review, December 30, 2009)
2009 - Bitter cold kills 13 in Aila-hit Dakope (The Daily Star, Bangladesh, December 31, 2009)
2009 - Heaviest snowfall in Moscow in last 20 years (Voice of Russia, December 31, 2009)
2009 - Coldest December since 1981 (BBC, January 3, 2010)
2009 - December in top 5 for coldest ever (KHAS-TV Nebraska, January 3, 2010)
2009 - Denver records seventh coldest December in history (Denver Weather Examiner, January 3, 2010)

magus (IP-tala skráð) 12.1.2010 kl. 00:56

67 identicon

UAE mountain covered in rare snow

(AFP) – Jan 25, 2009

DUBAI (AFP) — A blanket of snow has covered a mountain in a part of the United Arab Emirates, a rare phenomenon for the desert Gulf country, according to local media report.

Al-Jees mountain, 5,700 feet (1,737 metres) above sea level and 25 kilometres (15 miles) northeast of Ras al-Khaimah city, was covered in 20 centimetres (eight inches) of snow, the state news agency WAM said.

"Although limited snowfall was recorded on the mountain some years back, for the first time the peak of the mountain was fully covered in snow," it said.

magus (IP-tala skráð) 12.1.2010 kl. 01:04

68 identicon

Cuba has been hit by 25 cold fronts so far in the current winter season, which makes it among the most active in the country since the 1916-1917 season.

magus (IP-tala skráð) 12.1.2010 kl. 01:06

69 identicon

PATNA, India (Reuters) - At least 55 people have died over the past four days in northern and eastern India as a spell of cold weather swept the region, officials said on Monday.

magus (IP-tala skráð) 12.1.2010 kl. 01:08

70 identicon

Hong Kong - Parts of Hong Kong have been coated in early-morning frost as the sub-tropical city shivers through what weathermen said Monday were the coldest temperatures in 16 years. Overnight frost covered fields and cars in the parts of the New Territories north of Hong Kong island on Sunday and Monday mornings as temperatures of nearly minus one degree Celsius were recorded.

Officials at the Hong Kong Observatory, which monitors weather conditions, said the temperatures were the lowest in the territory for 16 years.

magus (IP-tala skráð) 12.1.2010 kl. 01:09

71 identicon

Posted: October 27, 2009
9:58 pm Eastern

By Jerome R. Corsi
© 2009 WorldNetDaily

Habibullo Abdussamatov

In a sharp rebuke to climate alarmists who believe human-generated carbon dioxide is responsible for causing catastrophic global warming, a Russian scientist has issued what amounts to a news flash announcing, "Sun Heats Earth!"

Habibullo Abdussamatov, the head of space research at St. Petersburg's Pulkovo Astronomical Observatory in Russia, has published a paper in which he tracks sunspot activity going back to the 19th century to argue that total sun irradiance, or TSI, is the primary factor responsible for causing climate variations on Earth, not carbon dioxide.

Moreover, Abdussamatov's analysis of sun activity data has led him to conclude that the Earth is entering a prolonged cooling phase because sunspot activity is currently in a phase regarded as a "minimum."

"Observations of the sun show that as for the increase in temperature, carbon dioxide is 'not guilty,'" Abdussamatov wrote, "and as for what lies ahead in the coming decades, it is not catastrophic warming, but a global, and very prolonged temperature drop."

Abdussamatov's paper is featured on page 140 of a report issued this year by the U.S. Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works, documenting more than 700 scientists who disagree over the proposition that global warming is a man-made, or anthropogenic phenomenon.

(Story continues below)


As historical support for his theory, Abdussamatov cited the observations in 1893 made by the English astronomer Walter Maunder, who came to the conclusion that from 1645 to 1715, sunspots had been generally absent, which coincided with the middle and coldest part of the severe temperature dip known as the "Little Ice Age" that stretched from the 14th to the 16th centuries.

Abdussamatov also observed "the most significant solar event in the 20th century was the extraordinarily high level and the prolonged (virtually over the entire century) increase in the energy radiated by the sun," resulting in the global warming that today climate alarmists believe is man-made phenomenon. (Parenthesis in original text.)

"The intense solar energy flow radiated since the beginning of the 1990s" is decreasing "and, in spite of conventional opinion, there is now an unavoidable advance toward a global decrease, a deep temperature drop comparable to the Maunder minimum," he wrote.

magus (IP-tala skráð) 12.1.2010 kl. 01:24

72 identicon

The heaviest snowfall in northern China for decades snarled road traffic across the region and forced delays or the cancellation of hundreds of flights from airports in several cities, including Beijing.

In Hebei province, two primary school girls and a boy died after heavy snow caused the roof of their canteen to collapse.

Another 28 were injured and were being treated in a local hospital. Schools in the provincial capital Shijiazhuang have been ordered to close.

Another child died in neighbouring Henan province and seven were injured, again when the roof the school canteen collapsed. Three of the students are in a critical condition.

Local media said the storms were tapering off on Friday with road, rail and air traffic beginning to return to normal.

magus (IP-tala skráð) 12.1.2010 kl. 01:27

73 identicon

The Giant's Causeway is Northern Ireland's top tourist attraction

Freezing conditions have led to the closure of one of Northern Ireland's top tourist attractions.

The Giant's Causeway and Carrick-a-Rede rope bridge on the north Antrim coast have been closed because of treacherous road conditions.

A National Trust spokeswoman said the icy weather had made the north Antrim coast area "extremely dangerous".

The Met Office has warned about widespread ice and further sleet and snow showers in the north and west.

Freezing conditions led to thousands of people, mostly in the north and west, having problems with their water supply.

magus (IP-tala skráð) 12.1.2010 kl. 01:30

74 identicon

For the second time in the past three months, Denver has experienced monthly average temperatures in the ‘top 10 coldest’ category. In October, the Mile High City saw its second coldest October on record since record keeping began in 1882. Now Denver has just wrapped up its seventh coldest December in history.

magus (IP-tala skráð) 12.1.2010 kl. 01:32

75 identicon

21-12-2009 15:57 | Jan Velinger

Record cold temperatures in the Czech Republic have taken a severe toll, with nine deaths from exposure recorded by the end of the weekend.

magus (IP-tala skráð) 12.1.2010 kl. 01:35

76 identicon

Friday, Dec. 18, 2009

Record cold, snow envelop Japan Sea coast

Kyodo News

Frigid air swept through a wide area along the Sea of Japan on Thursday, dumping record snowfalls and setting record-low temperatures for December in northern parts of the country, the Meteorological Agency said.

magus (IP-tala skráð) 12.1.2010 kl. 01:37

77 identicon

How cold is it? Flint's 95-year-old record low falls as 19 below zero hits city

By Julie Morrison | Flint Journal

January 14, 2009, 7:58PM

GENESEE COUNTY, Michigan -- Here's the bad news:

Flint broke a 95-year-old record early Wednesday morning when the temperature plummeted to a frigid 19 below zero. The previous record? Minus 10, set in 1914, according to the National Weather Service

magus (IP-tala skráð) 12.1.2010 kl. 01:43

78 identicon

It was cold enough to break a record

Cheerleading coach Hayle Lock is no sucker. She came prepared for the unseasonably chilly temperatures during Friday night’s football game and put that preparedness to good use. Who said cheerleaders are just pretty faces? - News-Record photos by Alton Strupp

By The News-Record staff
Published: Saturday, October 10, 2009 11:46 PM MDT
Jack Frost continues to wreak havoc on Wyoming.

Friday’s overnight low of 7 degrees was the lowest on record for that date in Gillette. It was 11 degrees colder than the previous all-time low of 18 degrees in 1993, said Mitchell Erickson of the National Weather Service in Rapid City, S.D.

magus (IP-tala skráð) 12.1.2010 kl. 01:46

79 identicon

CALGARY, Alberta, Oct. 13 (UPI) --

Canada's central provinces were hit with snow and record cold temperatures for the country's Thanksgiving Day long weekend.

magus (IP-tala skráð) 12.1.2010 kl. 01:52

80 identicon

August 4, 2009

STATE COLLEGE, Pa. — If you’ve noticed that this past July was colder than normal, you are not alone.

More than 1,100 daily record low temperatures were broken in July nationwide, according to the National Climatic Data Center. When record afternoon low highs are considered, that number jumps to more than 3,000 records. An additional 1,200 stations tied records.

magus (IP-tala skráð) 12.1.2010 kl. 01:55

81 identicon

Australia - Coldest day for 43 years

  • Brendan O'Keefe
  • June 13, 2009 12:00AM

    CANBERRANS shivered through one of their coldest days on record yesterday as morning fog cleared, only to reveal a bank of cloud that kept a low lid on temperatures.

    Canberra recorded a top of 4.1C at 2.34pm, the city's coldest June day since the mercury topped out at just 2.8C in 1966.

    Cold as yesterday was, it was balmy compared with the city's record low maximum, of a bone-chilling 2.1C set on June 25, 1949.

    magus (IP-tala skráð) 12.1.2010 kl. 01:59

    82 identicon

     the world may be heading for a serious food crisis, thanks to our old friend "climate change". In many parts of the world recently the weather has not been too brilliant for farmers. After a fearsomely cold winter, June brought heavy snowfall across large parts of western Canada and the northern states of the American Midwest. In Manitoba last week, it was -4ºC. North Dakota had its first June snow for 60 years.

    There was midsummer snow not just in Norway and the Cairngorms, but even in Saudi Arabia. At least in the southern hemisphere it is winter, but snowfalls in New Zealand and Australia have been abnormal. There have been frosts in Brazil, elsewhere in South America they have had prolonged droughts, while in China they have had to cope with abnormal rain and freak hailstorms, which in one province killed 20 people.

    None of this has given much cheer to farmers. In Canada and northern America summer planting of corn and soybeans has been way behind schedule, with the prospect of reduced yields and lower quality. Grain stocks are predicted to be down 15 per cent next year. US reserves of soya – used in animal feed and in many processed foods – are expected to fall to a 32-year low.

    In China, the world's largest wheat grower, they have been battling against the atrocious weather to bring in the harvest. (In one province they even fired chemical shells into the clouds to turn freezing hailstones into rain.) In north-west China drought has devastated crops with a plague of pests and blight. In countries such as Argentina and Brazil droughts have caused such havoc that a veteran US grain expert said last week: "In 43 years I've never seen anything like the decline we're looking at in South America."

    There are obviously various reasons for this concern as to whether the world can continue to feed itself, but one of them is undoubtedly the downturn in world temperatures, which has brought more cold and snow since 2007 than we have known for decades.

    It is now more than 200 years since the great astronomer William Herschel observed a correlation between wheat prices and sunspots. When the latter were few in number, he noted, the climate turned colder and drier, crop yields fell and wheat prices rose. In the past two years, sunspot activity has dropped to its lowest point for a century. One of our biggest worries is that our politicians are so fixated on the idea that CO2 is causing global warming that most of them haven't noticed that the problem may be that the world is not warming but cooling, with all the implications that has for whether we get enough to eat.

    magus (IP-tala skráð) 12.1.2010 kl. 02:09

    83 identicon

    Revealed: Antarctic ice growing, not shrinking


    ICE is expanding in much of Antarctica, contrary to the widespread public belief that global warming is melting the continental ice cap.

    The results of ice-core drilling and sea ice monitoring indicate there is no large-scale melting of ice over most of Antarctica, although experts are concerned at ice losses on the continent's western coast.

    Antarctica has 90 per cent of the Earth's ice and 80 per cent of its fresh water. Extensive melting of Antarctic ice sheets would be required to raise sea levels substantially, and ice is melting in parts of west Antarctica. The destabilisation of the Wilkins ice shelf generated international headlines this month.

    However, the picture is very different in east Antarctica, which includes the territory claimed by Australia.

    East Antarctica is four times the size of west Antarctica and parts of it are cooling. The Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research report prepared for last week's meeting of Antarctic Treaty nations in Washington noted the South Pole had shown "significant cooling in recent decades".

    magus (IP-tala skráð) 12.1.2010 kl. 02:16

    84 identicon

    Morocco | North Africa

    Six die in snow roof collapse

    afrol News, 5 February - At least six children have died after the roof of a house in rural Morocco collapsed due to heavy snow, local news agency, MAP has reported.

    magus (IP-tala skráð) 12.1.2010 kl. 02:27

    85 identicon

    Thailand temperatures are coldest in a decade

    The Associated Press ,  Bangkok   |  Sat, 01/17/2009 5:03 PM  |  World

    Thais are donning scarves, farmers are scrambling to save their rice crops and snakes are freezing to death.

    That is all because temperatures in this normally balmy country have dipped to their coldest in a decade.

    The country has been gripped in a cold spell that blew down from China earlier this month and is likely to last until February, the Thai Meteorological Department said Saturday.

    Chukiat Thaijaratsathian, an official in the department's forecasting office, said temperatures in the country's capital fell to a low of 14.7 degree Celsius (58.5 Fahrenheit) on Jan. 11 - the coldest in a decade. They have even been colder in the country's mountainous northeast, reaching 4.2 degree Celsius (39.5 degree Fahrenheit) in Nakhon Phanom province.

    "We have not had this kind of a cold spell in Thailand for many years," Chukiat said. "Seven of our weather stations around the country have recorded the lowest temperature in 10 years."

    magus (IP-tala skráð) 12.1.2010 kl. 02:31

    86 identicon

    The four major global temperature-tracking outlets (Hadley UK, NASA's Goddard Institute for Space Studies, University of Alabama-Huntsville and Remote Sensing Systems, Santa Rosa) have released updated information showing 2007 global cooling, ranging from 0.65C to 0.75C, a value which is large enough to erase nearly all the global-warming recorded over the last 100 years. This occurred in a single year (click www.climaterealists.com).

    In addition, the alarm of some people over the Arctic ice-caps is misplaced.

    In the Arctic, some 10 million square kilometres of sea ice melts each summer.

    Each September, the Arctic starts to freeze again.

    The extent of the ice now is 500,000 sq km greater than it was this time last year, which was in turn 500,000 sq km more than in September 2007.

    By April next year, after months of darkness, it will be back up to 14m sq km or more.

    As regards Antartica and Greenland, most of their ice sheets are growing, rather than shrinking.


    Director, Independent Climate Research Group, Bangor

    Read more: http://www.belfasttelegraph.co.uk/opinion/letters/scientists-see-signs-of-global-cooling-14502380.html#ixzz0cMUp4JMY

    magus (IP-tala skráð) 12.1.2010 kl. 02:40

    87 identicon

    New Peer-Reviewed Scientific Studies Chill Global Warming Fears

    Posted By Marc Morano – Marc_Morano@EPW.Senate.Gov – 4:44 PM ET

    ...Other scientists are echoing Wilson’s analysis. Former Harvard physicist Dr. Lubos Motl said the new study has reduced proponents of man-made climate fears to “playing the children’s game to scare each other.” ,,,

    UN scientist Dr. Madhav L. Khandekar, a retired Environment Canada scientist and an expert IPCC reviewer in 2007, explained on August 6, 2007 that the Southern Hemisphere is cooling. “In the Southern Hemisphere, the land-area mean temperature has slowly but surely declined in the last few years. The city of Buenos Aires in Argentina received several centimeters of snowfall in early July, and the last time it snowed in Buenos Aires was in 1918! Most of Australia experienced one of its coldest months of June this year. Several other locations in the Southern Hemisphere have experienced lower temperatures in the last few years. Further, the sea surface temperatures over world oceans are slowly declining since mid-1998, according to a recent world-wide analysis of ocean surface temperatures," Dr. Khandekar explained. (LINK)

    Climate models made by unlicensed 'software engineers'

    But the credibility of these computer model predictions took a significant hit in June 2007 when Dr. Jim Renwick, a top UN IPCC scientist, admitted that climate models do not account for half the variability in nature and thus are not reliable. "Half of the variability in the climate system is not predictable, so we don’t expect to do terrifically well," Renwick conceded. (LINK)  

    Another high-profile UN IPCC lead author, Dr. Kevin Trenberth, recently echoed Renwick’s sentiments about climate models by referring to them as “story lines.”

    IPCC reviewer and climate researcher Dr Vincent Gray, of New Zealand, an expert reviewer on every single draft of the IPCC reports going back to 1990 and author of The Greenhouse Delusion: A Critique of "Climate Change 2001," declared “The claims of the IPCC are dangerous unscientific nonsense” in an April 10, 2007 article. (LINK)

    In addtion, meteorologist Dr. Hendrik Tennekes, a scientific pioneer in the development of numerical weather prediction and former director of research at The Netherlands' Royal National Meteorological Institute, recently compared scientists who promote computer models predicting future climate doom to unlicensed “software engineers."

    magus (IP-tala skráð) 12.1.2010 kl. 03:13

    88 identicon

    Sampling of very recent inconvenient scientific developments for proponents of catastrophic man-made global warming:

    1) New peer-reviewed study finds global warming over last century linked to natural causes: Published in Geophysical Research Letters: Excerpt: “Tsonis et al. investigate the collective behavior of known climate cycles such as the Pacific Decadal Oscillation, the North Atlantic Oscillation, the El Nino/Southern Oscillation, and the North Pacific Oscillation. By studying the last 100 years of these cycles' patterns, they find that the systems synchronized several times. Further, in cases where the synchronous state was followed by an increase in the coupling strength among the cycles, the synchronous state was destroyed. Then a new climate state emerged, associated with global temperature changes and El Nino/Southern Oscillation variability. The authors show that this mechanism explains all global temperature tendency changes and El Nino variability in the 20th century. Authors: Anastasios A. Tsonis, Kyle Swanson, and Sergey Kravtsov: Atmospheric Sciences Group, Department of Mathematical Sciences, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, U.S.A. See August 2, 2007 Science Daily – “Synchronized Chaos: Mechanisms For Major Climate Shifts” (LINK)

    2) Belgian weather institute’s (RMI) August 2007 study dismisses decisive role of CO2 in warming: Excerpt: "Brussels: CO2 is not the big bogeyman of climate change and global warming. This is the conclusion of a comprehensive scientific study done by the Royal Meteorological Institute, which will be published this summer. The study does not state that CO2 plays no role in warming the earth. "But it can never play the decisive role that is currently attributed to it", climate scientist Luc Debontridder said. "Not CO2, but water vapor is the most important greenhouse gas. It is responsible for at least 75 % of the greenhouse effect. This is a simple scientific fact, but Al Gore's movie has hyped CO2 so much that nobody seems to take note of it." said Debontridder. "Every change in weather conditions is blamed on CO2. But the warm winters of the last few years (in Belgium) are simply due to the 'North-Atlantic Oscillation'. And this has absolutely nothing to do with CO2," he added. (LINK)

    3) Updated: September 27, 2007: New peer-reviewed study counters global warming theory, finds carbon dioxide did not end the last Ice Age. Excerpt: Deep-sea temperatures rose 1,300 years before atmospheric CO2, ruling out the greenhouse gas as driver of meltdown, says study in Science. Carbon dioxide did not cause the end of the last ice age, a new study in Science suggests, contrary to past inferences from ice core records. &#147;There has been this continual reference to the correspondence between CO2 and climate change as reflected in ice core records as justification for the role of CO2 in climate change,&#148; said USC geologist Lowell Stott, lead author of the study, slated for advance online publication Sept. 27 in Science Express. &#147;You can no longer argue that CO2 alone caused the end of the ice ages.&#148; Deep-sea temperatures warmed about 1,300 years before the tropical surface ocean and well before the rise in atmospheric CO2, the study found. The finding suggests the rise in greenhouse gas was likely a result of warming and may have accelerated the meltdown &#150; but was not its main cause. < > &#147;The climate dynamic is much more complex than simply saying that CO2 rises and the temperature warms,&#148; Stott said. The complexities &#147;have to be understood in order to appreciate how the climate system has changed in the past and how it will change in the future.&#148; (LINK)

    4) New peer-reviewed study finds clouds may greatly reduce global warming: Excerpt: This study published on August 9, 2007 in the Geophysical Research Letters finds that climate models fail test against real clouds. "To give an idea of how strong this enhanced cooling mechanism is, if it was operating on global warming, it would reduce estimates of future warming by over 75 percent," Dr. Roy Spencer said. "At least 80 percent of the Earth&#39;s natural greenhouse effect is due to water vapor and clouds, and those are largely under the control of precipitation systems. Until we understand how precipitation systems change with warming, I don&#39;t believe we can know how much of our current warming is manmade. Without that knowledge, we can&#39;t predict future climate change with any degree of certainty," Spencer added.  The paper was co-authored by University of Alabama Huntsville&#39;s Dr. John R. Christy and Dr. W. Danny Braswell, and Dr. Justin Hnilo of Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, CA. (LINK)  

    5) New peer-reviewed study finds that the solar system regulates the earth&#146;s climate - The paper, authored by Richard Mackey, was published August 17, 2007 in the Journal of Coastal Research - Excerpt: &#147;According to the findings reviewed in this paper, the variable output of the sun, the sun&#146;s gravitational relationship between the earth (and the moon) and earth&#146;s variable orbital relationship with the sun, regulate the earth&#146;s climate. The processes by which the sun affects the earth show periodicities on many time scales; each process is stochastic and immensely complex. (LINK) & (LINK)

    6) New peer-reviewed study on Surface Warming and the Solar Cycle: Excerpt: The study found that times of high solar activity are on average 0.2 degrees C warmer than times of low solar activity, and that there is a polar amplification of the warming. This result is the first to document a statistically significant globally coherent temperature response to the solar cycle, the authors note. Authors: Charles D. Camp and Ka Kit Tung: Department of Applied Mathematics, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington, U.S.A. Source: Geophysical Research Letters (GRL) paper 10.1029/2007GL030207, 2007 (LINK) [EPW Blog Note: Despite the fact that one of the co-author&#146;s protests this study being used to chill climate fears, this paper is an important contribution to establishing the solar climate link.]

    magus (IP-tala skráð) 12.1.2010 kl. 03:23

    89 identicon

    9) Updated: October 2, 2007: Danish National Space Center Study concludes: &#147;The Sun still appears to be the main forcing agent in global climate change.&#148; The report was authored by Physicist Henrik Svensmark and Eigil Friis-Christensen. (LINK) Several other recent scientific studies and scientists have debunked a media hyped UK study alleging there has not been a solar-climate link in the past 20 years. UK Astrophysicist Piers Corbyn confirmed the Danish study and also debunked the &#147;No Solar-Climate Link Study&#148; on July 14, 2007. Excerpt: &#147;[The study claiming to prove a] &#145;refutation&#146; of the decisive role of solar activity in driving climate is as valid as claiming a particular year was not warm by simply looking at the winter half of data. The most significant and persistent cycle of variation in the world&#146;s temperature follows the 22-year magnetic cycle of the sun&#146;s activity,&#148; Corbyn, who heads the UK based long-term solar forecast group Weather Action, wrote. (LINK) Other studies and scientists have found also confirmed the solar-climate link. (LINK) & (LINK) & (LINK)

    magus (IP-tala skráð) 12.1.2010 kl. 03:31

    90 identicon

    20) Update - September 10, 2007: New study claims UN IPCC peer-review process is "an illusion." A September 2007 analysis of the IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) scientific review process entitled &#147;Peer Review? What Peer Review?&#148; by climate data analyst John McLean, revealed very few scientists are actively involved in the UN&#39;s peer-review process. According to the analysis, &#147;The IPCC would have us believe that its reports are diligently reviewed by many hundreds of scientists and that these reviewers endorse the contents of the report. Analyses of reviewer comments show a very different and disturbing story.&#148; The paper continued: "In [the IPCC&#39;s] Chapter 9, the key science chapter, the IPCC concludes that &#39;it is very highly likely that greenhouse gas forcing has been the dominant cause of the observed global warming over the last 50 years.&#39; The IPCC leads us to believe that this statement is very much supported by the majority of reviewers. The reality is that there is surprisingly little explicit support for this key notion. Among the 23 independent reviewers just 4 explicitly endorsed the chapter with its hypothesis, and one other endorsed only a specific section. Moreover, only 62 of the IPCC&#146;s 308 reviewers commented on this chapter at all." The analysis concluded: &#147;The IPCC reports appear to be largely based on a consensus of scientific papers, but those papers are the product of research for which the funding is strongly influenced by previous IPCC reports. This makes the claim of a human influence self-perpetuating and for a corruption of the normal scientific process.&#148; (LINK)

    magus (IP-tala skráð) 12.1.2010 kl. 03:38

    91 identicon

    Sea Ice levels equal those seen 29 years ago, when the year 1979 also drew to a close.

    Ice levels had been tracking lower throughout much of 2008, but rapidly recovered in the last quarter. In fact, the rate of increase from September onward is the fastest rate of change on record, either upwards or downwards.

    The data is being reported by the University of Illinois&#39;s Arctic Climate Research Center, and is derived from satellite observations of the Northern and Southern hemisphere polar regions.

    magus (IP-tala skráð) 12.1.2010 kl. 03:57

    92 identicon

    Hverjir skrifa thetta? Hvad eru their ad segja? Afhverju heyrast sjonarmid theirra ekki?

    1) when Dr. Jim Renwick, a top UN IPCC scientist, admitted that climate models do not account for half the variability in nature and thus are not reliable. "Half of the variability in the climate system is not predictable, so we don&#146;t expect to do terrifically well," Renwick conceded. (LINK)  

    2) Another high-profile UN IPCC lead author, Dr. Kevin Trenberth, recently echoed Renwick&#146;s sentiments about climate models by referring to them as &#147;story lines.&#148;

    3) IPCC reviewer and climate researcher Dr Vincent Gray, of New Zealand, an expert reviewer on every single draft of the IPCC reports going back to 1990 and author of The Greenhouse Delusion: A Critique of "Climate Change 2001," declared &#147;The claims of the IPCC are dangerous unscientific nonsense&#148; in an April 10, 2007 article. (LINK)

    4) UN scientist Dr. Madhav L. Khandekar, a retired Environment Canada scientist and an expert IPCC reviewer in 2007, explained on August 6, 2007 that the Southern Hemisphere is cooling. &#147;In the Southern Hemisphere, the land-area mean temperature has slowly but surely declined in the last few years.

    5) This is more than sufficient to invalidate global climate models and projections made with them!&#148;- UN IPCC Scientist Dr. Steven M. Japar, a PhD atmospheric chemist who was part of Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change&#146;s (IPCC) Second (1995) and Third (2001) Assessment Reports, and has authored 83 peer-reviewed publications and in the areas of climate change, atmospheric chemistry, air pollutions and vehicle emissions.  

    6) Hansen embarrassed NASA by coming out with his claims of global warming.&#148; - Retired senior NASA atmospheric scientist Dr. John S. Theon, a former supervisor of NASA&#146;s James Hansen, and the former Chief of the Climate Processes Research Program at NASA Headquarters and former Chief of the Atmospheric Dynamics & Radiation Branch

    magus (IP-tala skráð) 12.1.2010 kl. 04:10

    93 Smámynd: Sveinn Atli Gunnarsson

    Sprenghlægilegt, einhver efasemdarmaður hefur notað marga klukkutíma í nótt að safna saman kuldametum, sem geta fallið, og það á sérlega við þegar það koma köld tímabil eins og t.d. núna í Evrópu o.fl. stöðum. Nú þarf bara að safna saman hitametunum á síðustu árum, þú getur tekið næstu nótt í það Einnig virðist hann hafa safnað saman samhengislausum tilvitnunum í vísindamenn (hvar eru tenglarnir á sumt af þessu?). Jæja, svona er umræðan stundum.

    Þar sem magus hefur drekkt umræðunni með þessum kjánarökum, þá ætla ég að endurtaka mig, vonandi er það í lagi:


    Varðandi greinina í Daily Mail sem þú vitnaðir í í athugasemd 53, Ágúst, þá hefur Mojib Latif fengið möguleika á að svara fyrir sig, og það lítur út fyrir að fréttamenn Daily Mail hafi misskilið hann.

    Þar segir m.a. 

     guardian.co.uk home

    A leading scientist has hit out at misleading newspaper reports that linked his research to claims that the current cold weather undermines the scientific case for manmade global warming.

    Mojib Latif, a climate expert at the Leibniz Institute at Kiel University in Germany, said he "cannot understand" reports that used his research to question the scientific consensus on climate change.

    He told the Guardian: "It comes as a surprise to me that people would try to use my statements to try to dispute the nature of global warming. I believe in manmade global warming. I have said that if my name was not Mojib Latif it would be global warming."

    He added: "There is no doubt within the scientific community that we are affecting the climate, that the climate is changing and responding to our emissions of greenhouse gases."

    A report in the Mail on Sunday said that Latif&#39;s results "challenge some of the global warming orthodoxy&#39;s most deeply cherished beliefs" and "undermine the standard climate computer models". Monday&#39;s Daily Mail and Daily Telegraph repeated the claims.

    Þetta er s.s. bara bull hjá Mail on Sunday að hafa þetta eftir honum á þann hátt sem þeir gerðu.

    Það má lesa alla greinina á vef Guardian

    Sveinn Atli Gunnarsson, 12.1.2010 kl. 08:05

    94 Smámynd: Höskuldur Búi Jónsson

    Fyrst hann magus var að vísa í nokkur kuldamet, þá ætti að vera áhugavert fyrir hann að lesa þessa færslu: Mýta: Það er kalt á Klonke Dinke og því er engin hnattræn hlýnun. Þar segir meðal annars:

    ...óvenjulegir kuldar á ákveðnum stað og ákveðnum tíma segja í raun lítið um hnattræna hlýnun, þar sem kuldamet eru einnig slegin þegar hnattræn hlýnun er í gangi. Kuldametin gerast þó færri en hitametin, eins og raunin hefur orðið í t.d. Bandaríkjunum, en þar hefur tölfræði hitameta verið skoðuð undanfarna áratugi &#150; en nú er það svo að hitamet hvers dags síðastliðinn áratug hafa komið um tvisvar sinnum oftar en kuldamet (sjá Frétt: Hitamet mun fleiri en kuldamet í Bandaríkjunum).

    Höskuldur Búi Jónsson, 12.1.2010 kl. 08:12

    95 Smámynd: Gunnar Th. Gunnarsson

    Þetta flokkast nú eiginlega undir "árás" á síðuna hjá Ágústi, frá nafnleysingja. Einum of mikið af því góða

    Þið alarmistarnir talið um línulaga ferli í hitaaukningu sl. áratugi. Öll hitaaukning er línulaga ef þið takið hæfilega langt tímabil til að sýna það. Í framtíðinni verður þetta enn ein sveiflan, e.t.v. óvenju há, en sveifla engu að síður.

    Gunnar Th. Gunnarsson, 12.1.2010 kl. 10:12

    96 Smámynd: Gunnar Th. Gunnarsson

    Spárnar frá Al Gore o/co gerðu ráð fyrir íslausum norðurpól á allra næstu árum og hækkandi sjávarborði og hitaferlið var beint upp út 21. öldina. Allt var í gangi..... á allra næstu árum. Svo kemur kuldakast og alarmistarnir fara á taugum og nú ganga spárnar út á það að miðaldra fólk mun ekki geta séð spárnar rætast vegna kólnunar næstu 20-30 ár.

    Það rætist í næsta lífi.... segið þið

    Gunnar Th. Gunnarsson, 12.1.2010 kl. 10:17

    97 Smámynd: Höskuldur Búi Jónsson

    Gunnar, hér er svar til þín - þú þú, denier :

    Þið alarmistarnir talið um línulaga ferli í hitaaukningu sl. áratugi. Öll hitaaukning er línulaga ef þið takið hæfilega langt tímabil til að sýna það. Í framtíðinni verður þetta enn ein sveiflan, e.t.v. óvenju há, en sveifla engu að síður.

    Rétt, að þetta verður enn ein sveiflan í framtíðinni - miðað við það hversu langlíf gróðurhúsalofttegund CO2 er, þá verður sveiflan ekki bara há - heldur mjög löng (líklega nær þúsund árum heldur en hundrað árum - sem er langt í sögu siðmenningar).

    Spárnar frá Al Gore o/co gerðu ráð fyrir íslausum norðurpól á allra næstu árum og hækkandi sjávarborði og hitaferlið var beint upp út 21. öldina. Allt var í gangi..... á allra næstu árum. Svo kemur kuldakast og alarmistarnir fara á taugum og nú ganga spárnar út á það að miðaldra fólk mun ekki geta séð spárnar rætast vegna kólnunar næstu 20-30 ár.

    Al Gore og co eru ekki vísindamenn og því hlustum við ekki mikið á þá.

    Hér má sjá spá IPCC sem hefur sýnt sig að hefur vanmetið bráðnunina.

    Septemberútbreiðsla hafíss á Norðurskautinu í milljónum ferkílómetra til ársins 2008. Rauða línan sýnir beinar mælingar, en svarta línan spár loftslagslíkana IPCC ásamt óvissu. Eins og sést þá hefur bráðnun hafíss farið fram úr svörtustu spám IPCC. 2009 gildið var ekki teiknað inn, en það var hærra en 2008 gildið - eða um 5,1 milljón ferkílómetrar sem er töluvert neðan við spá IPCC.

    Septemberútbreiðsla hafíss á Norðurskautinu í milljónum ferkílómetra til ársins 2008. Rauða línan sýnir beinar mælingar, en svarta línan spár loftslagslíkana IPCC ásamt óvissu. Eins og sést þá hefur bráðnun hafíss farið fram úr svörtustu spám IPCC. 2009 gildið er ekki teiknað inn, en það var hærra en 2008 gildið - eða um 5,1 milljón ferkílómetrar sem er töluvert neðan við spá IPCC.

    Hér fyrir neðan má síðan sjá spár IPCC - sem hér hefur vanmetið sjávarstöðuhækkanir.

    Sjávarstöðubreytingar síðastliðin 40 ár.  Rauða línan sýnir mælingar sjávarfalla og útreikninga á sjávarstöðubreytingum frá þeim og bláa línan er fengin út frá gervihnöttum. Gráa svæðið sýnir að spár IPCC hafa vanmetið sjávarstöðubreytingarnar.

    Sjávarstöðubreytingar síðastliðin 40 ár. Rauða línan sýnir mælingar sjávarfalla og útreikninga á sjávarstöðubreytingum frá þeim og bláa línan er fengin út frá gervihnöttum. Gráa svæðið sýnir að spár IPCC hafa vanmetið sjávarstöðubreytingarnar.

    Semsagt í tveimur tilfellum af þremur af þeim dæmum sem þú tekur hafa spár IPCC verið nær því að vera vanmat en ofmat. Varðandi hið þriðja, þá er hitaferillinn innan marka þess sem að IPCC spáði.

    Hver segir að það verði kólnun næstu 20-30 ár? Ef þú lest það sem hér hefur verið bent á fyrir ofan, þá er það David Rose - fréttamaður á Daily Mail sem segir það, en ekki vísindamennirnir sem hann ræddi við.

    Höskuldur Búi Jónsson, 12.1.2010 kl. 10:41

    98 Smámynd: Sveinn Atli Gunnarsson

    Gunnar þú ert að upplifa hlýnunina, þú þarft ekkert að bíða, þrátt fyrir smá kuldakast á nokkrum stöðum í heiminum. Sjávarborð hækkar um ca. 3 mm á ári, sem eru 30 cm á 100 árum ef það heldur áfram á sama hraða (gæti líka aukist), hafísinn hefur farið minnkandi á síðustu áratugum (hér er ég ekki að taka afstöðu til þess hvenær hafísinn gæti horfið yfir sumartímann), jöklar hopa og svo nokkur dæmi séu tekin. Það er um að gera að fara að líta uppúr afneituninni og líta á gögnin. 

    Hér er dæmi um hvernig spár IPCC eru og hvernig þær hafa gengið eftir varðandi sjávarmál, nánar má lesa um loftslagslíkön á loftslag.is:

     Sjávarstöðubreytingar síðastliðin 40 ár.  Rauða línan sýnir mælingar sjávarfalla og útreikninga á sjávarstöðubreytingum frá þeim og bláa línan er fengin út frá gervihnöttum. Gráa svæðið sýnir að spár IPCC hafa vanmetið sjávarstöðubreytingarnar.

    Sveinn Atli Gunnarsson, 12.1.2010 kl. 10:46

    99 Smámynd: SeeingRed

    Ég er enn á þeirri skoðun sem ég hef haft í mörg ár, jarðarbúar eiga að hafa meiri áhyggjur af kólnun, hvað þá 20-30 ára niðursveiflu. Vona svo sananrlega að svo fari ekki heldur verði hlýtt og notalegt næstu áratugi áður en hin óhjákvæmilega (um það geta þó allir verið sammála) ísöld brestur á, hvort sem hún verður lítil eða alvöru.

    SeeingRed, 12.1.2010 kl. 18:20

    101 Smámynd: Vilhjálmur Eyþórsson

    Ég vil taka hjartanlega undir með SeeingRed. Til lengri tíma er það kólnun, ekki hlýnun, sem menn ættu að hafa áhyggjur af. Endurhlýnun og afturhvarf til hins hlýja, raka loftslags fyrri árþúsunda núverandi hlýskeiðs á að taka fagnandi og með opnum örmum. "Loftslagsvandinn" er enginn vandi. Þvert á móti er sú smávægilega uppsveifla sem ríkt hefur síðan um 1900 mikil blessun, ekki aðeins fyrir mannfólkið heldur fyrir dýr og jurtir, fugla og fiska og allt sem þrífst á jörðinni.

    Vilhjálmur Eyþórsson, 12.1.2010 kl. 21:25

    102 Smámynd: Sveinn Atli Gunnarsson

    Á hverju byggið þið þessa skoðun ykkar, Vilhjálmur og SeeingRed. Hvað eruð þið að tala um langan tíma áður en byrjar að kólna og hversu mikla kólnun eruð þið að tala um?

    Sveinn Atli Gunnarsson, 12.1.2010 kl. 21:34

    103 Smámynd: Vilhjálmur Eyþórsson

    Núverandi hlýskeið hefur nú staðið í um 11.500 ár, sem er nálægt meðallagi fyrir hlýskeið ríkjandi ísaldar, sem virðast hafa staðið eitthvað á bilinu 7-8 til 13-14 þúsund ár. Hvenær nýtt jökulskeið hefst er alveg ómögulegt að segja. Síðasta "litla ísöld" var aðeins ein af allmörgum slíkum stórum niðursveiflum í hitastigi, sem verða á nokkurra alda fresti og sífellt kaldari. Næsta "litla ísöld" verður því enn kaldari, en hennar er þó vonandi ekki að vænta fyrr en eftir nokkrar aldir.  Hún kann að verða svo köld að hún fari yfir "þröskuldinn", þ.e. að kuldinn og ísmyndunin verði svo mikil að ekki nái að hlýna aftur og jöklar leggist enn einu sinni yfir Vestur- Evróðu og Norður- Ameríku. Hvenær þetta verður er sem fyrr sagði alveg ómögulegt að segja. Það eina sem er öruggt er, að fyrr eða síðar mun þetta gerast. Öll mannvirki Íslendinga verða þá skafin niður í klöppina.

    Vilhjálmur Eyþórsson, 12.1.2010 kl. 21:55

    104 Smámynd: Sveinn Atli Gunnarsson

    Já, það má til sannsvegar færa að það hafa komið ísaldir og það munu koma aðrar ísaldir í framtíðinni. En það útilokar í sjálfu sér ekki að hitastig sé að hækka vegna aukins styrks gróðurhúsalofttegunda núna. Það er einmitt það sem rannsóknir lang flestra vísindamanna benda til. Hversu mikil sú hækkun verður er ekki gott að segja, en það verður væntanlega í samhengi við styrk gróðurhúsalofttegunda í framtíðinni og þá til hvaða lausna og mótvægisaðgerða verður gripið til.

    Sveinn Atli Gunnarsson, 12.1.2010 kl. 22:27

    105 Smámynd: Höskuldur Búi Jónsson

    Vilhjálmur: Ef við búum okkur til jörð í nútímanum, þar sem ekki hefur verið dælt CO2 út í andrúmsloftið - þá telja menn líklegt að ísöld myndi ekki hefjast fyrr en eftir 50-100 þúsund ár. Tekið af heimasiðu NOAA :

    What does The Milankovitch Theory say about future climate change?
    Orbital changes occur over thousands of years, and the climate system may also take thousands of years to respond to orbital forcing. Theory suggests that the primary driver of ice ages is the total summer radiation received in northern latitude zones where major ice sheets have formed in the past, near 65 degrees north. Past ice ages correlate well to 65N summer insolation (Imbrie 1982). Astronomical calculations show that 65N summer insolation should increase gradually over the next 25,000 years, and that no 65N summer insolation declines sufficient to cause an ice age are expected in the next 50,000 - 100,000 years

    Í IPCC stendur:

    A minor proportion (20% on average) of each glacialinterglacial cycle was spent in the warm interglacial mode, which normally lasted for 10 to 30 kyr

    En eitt er víst að ísöld kemur ekki næstu árþúsundin - ástæðan núverandi og fyrirsjáanlegt magn CO2 í andrúmsloftinu.

    Höskuldur Búi Jónsson, 12.1.2010 kl. 23:04

    106 Smámynd: Vilhjálmur Eyþórsson

    Ég veit vel, að þessi svokallaða Milankovitch- kenning er mjög í tísku, sem segir að breytinar á sporbaug jarðar ráði hlýskeiðunum, en slíkar breytingar gerast á árþúsundum og afar hægt. Jökulskeiðunum lýkur hins vegar nánast eins og hendi væri veifað, svo snöggt að eitthvað allt annað hlýtur að vera að verki. Þar sýnast langtímasveiflur í geislun sólar lang líklegastar. Um þær er ekki nógu mikið vitað af þeirri einföldu ástæðu að ekki hefur verið fylgst með sólinni nægilega lengi. 

    Það er líka ljóst að sá sem setti saman tilvitnunina þarna að framan skortir grundvallarþekkingu á jarðsögu. Hann sýnist ekki einu sinni vita muninn á ísöld og jökulskeiði innan ísaldar. Hann veit augljóslega heldur ekki að jökulskeið hafa skolið yfir á um hundrað þúsund ára fresti síðustu tvær og hálfa til þrjár milljónir ára, þ.e. frá upphafi kvartertíma. En þetta er það sem menn eiga að venjast þegar gróðurhúsa- gengið er annars vegar.

    Vilhjálmur Eyþórsson, 12.1.2010 kl. 23:31

    107 Smámynd: Sveinn Atli Gunnarsson

    Vilhjálmur þú segir: "Milankovitch- kenning er mjög í tísku"

    Hvað í meinarðu með þessu Vilhjálmur? Hvað verður næst, verða "kenningar Newton kannski komnar í tísku". Ég hef nú persónulega meiri trú á því að sérfræðingar NOAA viti hvað þeir eru að tala um en sá sem lætur svona bull út úr sér. Sérfræðingar NOAA er m.a. með tilvitnanir í verk Milutin Milankovitch, varla hefur hann verið hluti þessa svokallað gróðurhúsagengis sem þú vilt svo kalla.

    Sveinn Atli Gunnarsson, 12.1.2010 kl. 23:50

    108 Smámynd: Vilhjálmur Eyþórsson

    Þú líkir Milankovitch við Newton. Það mundi ég aldrei gera. Það væri ekki sanngjarnt gagnvart Newton. Þetta er, eins og ég sagði ríkjandi tískukenning í augnablikinu, en það, að þeir sem þú kallar "sérfræðinga NOAA" skuli trúa á þessa kenningu gerir hana, þótt ekki væri annað, grunsamlega í mínum augum. Það er sífellt betur að koma í ljós hvað lítill munur er á alvöru vísindum og gervivísindum og hvað skilin þar á milli eru óljós. Gróðurhúsamenn eru ekki alvöru vísindamenn, því þeir eru ekki að leita sannleikans. Þeir telja sig hafa fundið hann og finna hjá sér þörf að boða hann öllum heiminum. Þeir sjá því bara það sem þeir vilja sjá og loka augunum fyrir öllu öðru. En þeir eru duglegir við að hylja fordóma sína, ofstæki, fáfræði og heimsku bak við "hávísindalegar" greinargerðir, studdar ótal gröfum, tilvísunum og neðanmálsgreinum. Þegar upp er staðið eru þeir bara ósköp venjulegir kjánar. Þetta er sýndarmennskan ein.

    Vilhjálmur Eyþórsson, 13.1.2010 kl. 00:29

    109 Smámynd: Sveinn Atli Gunnarsson

    Ég tel að maður sem byrjar grein með eftirfarandi orðum, eigi ekki að tala um fordóma, ofstæki, fáfræði eða heimsku nokkurs manns:

    "Það væri fjarri mér að hallmæla konum, hommum, svertingjum, dvergum eða feita fólkinu. Það væri ljótt, og ég er ekki ódó. Hinu er ekki að leyna, að mér hundleiðist brölt þessa fólks, ekki síst svonefnd &#147;réttindabarátta&#148; neðanþindar- þrýstihópanna tveggja, femínista og hómósexúalista." Vilhjálmur Eyþórsson í færslu á blogsíðu sinni

    Þar fyrir utan ættirðu kannski að kynna þér rannsóknir og vinnu Milutin Milankovitch betur Vilhjálmur. Kenningar Newton eru mjög merkilegar, en það gerir ekki minna úr verkum Milankovitch, þar eru m.a. sveiflur Milankovitch sem útskýra m.a. komur ísalda.

    En ég ætla mér ekki að rökræða meira við einhvern sem ekki hefur getu til þess að færa málefnaleg rök fyrir máli sínu, en kemur aðeins með kjánarök (m.a. engar heimildir) og uppnefnir fólk.

    Sveinn Atli Gunnarsson, 13.1.2010 kl. 00:55

    110 identicon

    Sprenghlægilegt, einhver efasemdarmaður hefur notað marga klukkutíma í nótt að safna saman kuldametum, sem geta fallið, og það á sérlega við þegar það koma köld tímabil eins og t.d. núna í Evrópu o.fl. stöðum. Nú þarf bara að safna saman hitametunum á síðustu árum, þú getur tekið næstu nótt í það Einnig virðist hann hafa safnað saman samhengislausum tilvitnunum í vísindamenn (hvar eru tenglarnir á sumt af þessu?). Jæja, svona er umræðan stundum. Þar sem magus hefur drekkt umræðunni með þessum kjánarökum, þá ætla ég að endurtaka mig, vonandi er það í lagi:" Svatli

    1) New Peer-Reviewed Scientific Studies Chill Global Warming Fears

    Posted By Marc Morano &#150; Marc_Morano@EPW.Senate.Gov &#150; 4:44 PM ET


    71 identicon

    Posted: October 27, 2009
    9:58 pm Eastern

    By Jerome R. Corsi
    © 2009 WorldNetDaily

    Habibullo Abdussamatov

    In a sharp rebuke to climate alarmists who believe human-generated carbon dioxide is responsible for causing catastrophic global warming, a Russian scientist has issued what amounts to a news flash announcing, "Sun Heats Earth!"

    Abdussamatov&#39;s paper is featured on page 140 of a report issued this year by the U.S. Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works, documenting more than 700 scientists who disagree over the proposition that global warming is a man-made, or anthropogenic phenomenon.




    Hverjir skrifa thetta? Hvad eru their ad segja? Afhverju heyrast sjonarmid theirra ekki?

    1) when Dr. Jim Renwick, a top UN IPCC scientist, admitted that climate models do not account for half the variability in nature and thus are not reliable. "Half of the variability in the climate system is not predictable, so we don&#146;t expect to do terrifically well," Renwick conceded. (LINK)  

    2) Another high-profile UN IPCC lead author, Dr. Kevin Trenberth, recently echoed Renwick&#146;s sentiments about climate models by referring to them as &#147;story lines.&#148;

    3) IPCC reviewer and climate researcher Dr Vincent Gray, of New Zealand, an expert reviewer on every single draft of the IPCC reports going back to 1990 and author of The Greenhouse Delusion: A Critique of "Climate Change 2001," declared &#147;The claims of the IPCC are dangerous unscientific nonsense&#148; in an April 10, 2007 article. (LINK)

    4) UN scientist Dr. Madhav L. Khandekar, a retired Environment Canada scientist and an expert IPCC reviewer in 2007, explained on August 6, 2007 that the Southern Hemisphere is cooling. &#147;In the Southern Hemisphere, the land-area mean temperature has slowly but surely declined in the last few years.

    5) This is more than sufficient to invalidate global climate models and projections made with them!&#148;- UN IPCC Scientist Dr. Steven M. Japar, a PhD atmospheric chemist who was part of Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change&#146;s (IPCC) Second (1995) and Third (2001) Assessment Reports, and has authored 83 peer-reviewed publications and in the areas of climate change, atmospheric chemistry, air pollutions and vehicle emissions.  

    6) Hansen embarrassed NASA by coming out with his claims of global warming.&#148; - Retired senior NASA atmospheric scientist Dr. John S. Theon, a former supervisor of NASA&#146;s James Hansen, and the former Chief of the Climate Processes Research Program at NASA Headquarters and former Chief of the Atmospheric Dynamics & Radiation Branch.



    magus (IP-tala skráð) 13.1.2010 kl. 00:58

    111 identicon

    PS. Svatli

     Fyrst thad kemur ther i opna skjolda ad haegt er ad sja heimildir med thvi ad lesa athugasemdir, og smella a linka, tha hlytur thad ad verda sjokk fyrir thig ad vita, ad eg eyddi nokkrum sek i google leit til ad finna linka a kuldafrettir og birti einfalega nokkrar af theim sem eg las.....

    otrulegt hvad haegt er ad gera med sma lestri og netinu! HA?

    thu fylgist svo vel med.....

    magus (IP-tala skráð) 13.1.2010 kl. 01:06

    112 Smámynd: Sveinn Atli Gunnarsson

    Er þér alvara magus, að vitna í bloggsíðu öldunardeildarþingmannsins Jim Inhofe, sem er frægur fyrir rangtúlkanir á loftslagsvísindum. Sá sem setti þessa færslu inn á síður Inhofe er maður að nafni Marc Morano, hægt er að lesa nánar um hann með því að smella á tengilinn.

    Þú verður að athuga vel hvaðan þú færð heimildir, þetta er ekki það sem hægt er að kalla marktæk heimild. Mér sýnist eini tilgangur þessarar síðu Inhofe vera að blekkja fólk. Ein aðferð við það er að taka orð manna úr samhengi í þeim tilgangi að plata fólk, það virðist takast að einhverju leiti hjá honum þarna, ef marka má það að þú hefur látið blekkjast magus.

    Sveinn Atli Gunnarsson, 13.1.2010 kl. 01:19

    113 identicon


    Noh, bara Ad-Hominem i fyrsta!

    Vodalegt ad vitna i villutruarmenn, "fraega fyrir rangtulkanir".....

    Thetta er skyrsla unnin fyrir oldungadeild BNA, thetta er samantekt!

     Thad sem kemur fram i skyrslunni stendur, thad er bara vitnad i thessa visindamenn, og rannsoknir. Thad er enginn ad tulka eitt ne neitt! En thu ert ofaer um ad lesa thad sem tharna stendur?

    Mikil eru nu rokin hja ther! Thu getur ekki svarad spurningu minni, en thu getur lagst i personuarasir!


    Menn eins og thu Svatli, hafa t.d. reynt ad eydileggja nafn theons, fyrrverandi yfirmanns Hansen vegna thess er hann segir um Hansen, thvi fleiri en tu, Svatli, kunna Ad-H arasir:

    Hansen embarrassed NASA by coming out with his claims of global warming.&#148; - Retired senior NASA atmospheric scientist Dr. John S. Theon, a former supervisor of NASA&#146;s James Hansen, and the former Chief of the Climate Processes Research Program at NASA Headquarters and former Chief of the Atmospheric Dynamics & Radiation Branch.

    Sja svo svar fra Morano:

    Note: this will hopefully be posted on the comments page of Sketpico&#146;s blog.

    http://skeptico.blogs.com/skeptico/2009/02/global-warming-denial.html - skeptico@skeptico.net

    Dear Skeptico:

    Thanks for
    your analysis of the U.S. Senate Minority Report: U.S. Senate Minority Report Update: MoreThan 650 International Scientists Dissent Over Man-Made Global Warming Claims. You make several assertions and seem to have a lot of &#147;faith&#148; in the analyses of RealClimate.org and Tim Lambert ofDeltoid.

    You assert: &#147;Of course we know that [Atmospheric Scientist Dr. John S. Theon wasn&#146;t actually Hansen&#145;boss&#146;&#148; and you link to Gavin Schmidt of RealClimate.org to &#147;prove&#148; your point.

    Here is what
    Theon responded: &#147;I worked with Hansen from about 1983 to 1994 during which time he was at GISS in NYC and I was at NASA HQ in Washington DC. I retired from NASA in 1995. I had completed 37 and 1/2 years of federal service (civilian Navy, USAF, and including 33 years with NASA.)

    The money came through me. We were in the Earth Observations Program which later became the Mission to Planet Earth Program. I visited GISS at least once a year to review and evaluate the GISS work. When I visited NYC, to review the research that GISS was funded to do out of the program for which I was responsible, Hansen was most cordial. When I asked him to give a lecture in Japan, he complied,&#148; Theon wrote. &#147;It was what it was, and no amount of denial will change that,&#148; Theon explained. &#147;I repeat what I wrote to you in January: &#147;I was, in effect, Hansen&#39;s supervisor because I had tojustify his funding, allocate his resources, and evaluate his results. I did not have the authority to give him his annual performance evaluation,&#148; he added.

    You also wrote: &#147;Theon seems like the archetypal fake expert.&#148; Are you aware that on the website of one the experts you put faith in &#150; Tim Lambert of Deltoid &#150; smears like yours against Theon are being refuted?

    At the Deltoid blog -- no friend of climate skeptics -- several readers are lamenting the disparagingremarks against Theon. Some of its readers are now essentially screaming &#147;Enough&#148; in response to the attacks on Theon. A January 31 comment on Deltoid blog stated: &#147;Theon did some serious work (about 30papers, some edited books, plus lots of monographs), including a couple of Science papers in the 60&#146;s, so he wasn&#146;t puffing up his accomplishments like some, and an h-index of 6.&#148; Again, these comments are coming from a website devoted to vilifying global warming skeptics. A February 1 comment on Detloidstated: &#147;This attempt to smear Theon is terribly, terribly thin.&#148;

    Here is a Google scholar search on Theon:

    You also write: &#147;Compare these 650 (really less than 100) &#145;skeptics&#146; with the American GeophysicalUnion (AGU) which has 50,000 members, most of whom really are earth scientists.&#148; I assume you mean the &#145;consensus&#146; statement issued by AGU on global warming as if all 50,000 member signed off on it. In reality, only two dozen or so governing board members of the AGU and the AMS voted on the so-called consensus statement without the direct vote of members or adequate input. The AMS members according to many were was outraged at these types of statements. You are basically appealing to authority and putting your faith in these governing boards which are subject to political pressure. In short, you are citingan essentially POLITCAL statement of AGU as somehow being scientific. &#150; End Excerpt.

    Not a &#147;conspiracy&#148; as you allege, but does appear to be groupthink by the members of the governing

    boards. See the Senate report on these consensus statements here:


    The prestigious International Geological Congress, dubbed the geologists&#39; equivalent of the Olympic Games, was held in Norway in August 2008 and prominently featured the voices of scientists skeptical of man-made global warming fears. [See: Skeptical scientists overwhelm conference: &#39;2/3 of presenters and question-askers were hostile to, even dismissive of, the UN IPCC&#39; & see full reports here & here ]

    More evidence that your &#147;faith&#148; based appeal to authority fails. See: A canvass of more than 51,000 Canadian scientists revealed 68% disagree that global warming science is &#147;settled.&#148;

    You also have great faith in UN IPCC. Are you aware this is a political organization? It is called the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. Government is even in the title to help anyone who mightotherwise be confused.

    Your appeal to the authority of RealClimate.org also leaves much to be desired. Not all scientists agree with your high opinion of the warming partisans.

    See this report:
    Real Climate Woes: Pielke Jr.: &#39;Gavin Schmidt admits to stealing a scientific idea from his

    arch-nemesis, Steve McIntyre&#39; . Also see: Prominent Scientist &#145;Appalled&#146; By Gavin Schmidt&#146;s &#145;lack ofknowledge&#146; &#150; &#145;Back to graduate school, Gavin!&#146; &#150; Climate Science Blog

    By Atmospheric scientist Dr.

    Hendrik Tennekes, a scientific pioneer in the development of numerical weather prediction and former director of research at The Netherlands&#39; Royal National Meteorological Institute, and an internationallyrecognized expert in atmospheric boundary layer processes.

    And see these links from Israeli Astrophysicist Nir Shaviv&#146;s website: &#147;The aim of RealClimate.org is not to engage a sincere scientific debate. Their aim is post a reply full of a straw man so their supporters can claim that your point &#145;has been refuted by real scientists at ReaClimate.org.&#146;&#148; Shaviv, who calls the website &#147;Wishfulclimate.org&#148; noted that the &#147;writers (at RealClimaet.org) try again and again to concoct what appears to be deep critiques against skeptic arguments, but end up doing a very shallow job. All in the name of saving the world. How gallant of them.&#148;

    As for citing &#147;analysis&#148; by Tim Lambert, you may want to rethink your reliance on Lambert&#146;s embarrassing rants after reading this. Response to Romm, Lambert and other blogs attacks on 650 Scientist Report

    In addition, you link to an analysis of the Senate 650 plus dissenting scientist report and make this bold claim: &#147;58% of the "experts" quoted have no credentials in climate research and only 16% have top-notch credentials.&#148; Once again, you should make sure you verify the information you link to. It appears the analysis you linked to reveals a failure of basic arithmetic.

    The analysis was done by a Professor Steven Dutch of University of Wisconsin &#150; Green Bay. Below is anote I sent to Professor Dutch on February 10, 2009:

    Hi, Professor Dutch,

    Just wanted to drop you a few comments on your
    analysis of the U.S. Senate Minority report of 650 plus scientists dissenting from man-made climate fear claims.

    First off, you claim, &#147;I know what scientists do. I know what it takes to be considered credible in a given scientific field. I know what fields are relevant to a given topic and which are not.&#148;

    Really? As a scientist, can you do simple arithmetic? It appears you failed your first task.

    Your wrote that you &#147;ended up with just over 600 individuals.&#148; Sadly for you, the report has well over 650 scientists on it. But then again, maybe I should just defer to your qualifications instead of actually counting the scientists.

    Your analysis reveals that you reject many physicists, chemists, engineers, meteorologists and many others as not being &#147;qualified&#148; to offer their views on man-made global warming. I wonder if you use the same criteria for the UN IPCC &#147;thousands&#148; of scientists. Are you aware that the man the Associated Press calls a &#147;climatologist&#148;, Dr. Rajendra Pachauri, is an economist and engineer? Do you publicly shout that Pachauri&#146;s view of climate science is not relevant? If so, I would love to see your past statements on him.

    Thanks for taking the time to read this note.


    Marc Morano

    End Note to Professor Dutch.


    Marc Morano

    Communications Director

    Senate Environment and Public Works Committee (EPW) Inhofe Staff

    magus (IP-tala skráð) 13.1.2010 kl. 03:00

    114 identicon




    Hverjir? Hvad eru their ad segja? Afhverju heyrast sjonarmid theirra ekki?

    1) when Dr. Jim Renwick, a top UN IPCC scientist, admitted that climate models do not account for half the variability in nature and thus are not reliable. "Half of the variability in the climate system is not predictable, so we don&#146;t expect to do terrifically well," Renwick conceded. (LINK)  

    2) Another high-profile UN IPCC lead author, Dr. Kevin Trenberth, recently echoed Renwick&#146;s sentiments about climate models by referring to them as &#147;story lines.&#148;

    3) IPCC reviewer and climate researcher Dr Vincent Gray, of New Zealand, an expert reviewer on every single draft of the IPCC reports going back to 1990 and author of The Greenhouse Delusion: A Critique of "Climate Change 2001," declared &#147;The claims of the IPCC are dangerous unscientific nonsense&#148; in an April 10, 2007 article. (LINK)

    4) UN scientist Dr. Madhav L. Khandekar, a retired Environment Canada scientist and an expert IPCC reviewer in 2007, explained on August 6, 2007 that the Southern Hemisphere is cooling. &#147;In the Southern Hemisphere, the land-area mean temperature has slowly but surely declined in the last few years.

    5) This is more than sufficient to invalidate global climate models and projections made with them!&#148;- UN IPCC Scientist Dr. Steven M. Japar, a PhD atmospheric chemist who was part of Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change&#146;s (IPCC) Second (1995) and Third (2001) Assessment Reports, and has authored 83 peer-reviewed publications and in the areas of climate change, atmospheric chemistry, air pollutions and vehicle emissions.  

    6) Hansen embarrassed NASA by coming out with his claims of global warming.&#148; - Retired senior NASA atmospheric scientist Dr. John S. Theon, a former supervisor of NASA&#146;s James Hansen, and the former Chief of the Climate Processes Research Program at NASA Headquarters and former Chief of the Atmospheric Dynamics & Radiation Branch.



    magus (IP-tala skráð) 13.1.2010 kl. 03:08

    115 identicon



    This Senate report is not a &#147;list&#148; of scientists, but a report that includes full biographies of each scientist and their quotes, papers and links for further reading. The scientists featured in the report express their views in their own words, complete with their intended subtleties and caveats. This Senate report features the names, biographies, academic/institutionalaffiliation, and quotes of literally hundreds of additional international scientists whopublicly dissented from man-made climate fears. This report lists the scientists by name, country of residence, and academic/institutional affiliation. It also features their own words, biographies, and weblinks to their peer reviewed studies, scientific analyses and original source materials as gathered from directly from the scientists or from public statements, news outlets, and websites in 2007, 2008 and 2009. The distinguished scientists featured in this new report are experts in diverse fields, including: climatology; geology; biology; glaciology; biogeography; meteorology; oceanography; economics; chemistry; mathematics; environmental sciences; astrophysics,engineering; physics and paleoclimatology. Some of those profiled have won Nobel Prizesfor their outstanding contribution to their field of expertise and many shared a portion of the UN IPCC Nobel Peace Prize with Vice President Gore. Additionally, these scientists hail from prestigious institutions worldwide, including: Harvard University; NASA; National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR); Massachusetts Institute of Technology; the UN IPCC;

    magus (IP-tala skráð) 13.1.2010 kl. 04:42

    116 identicon

    Þú verður að athuga vel hvaðan þú færð heimildir, þetta er ekki það sem hægt er að kalla marktæk heimild. Mér sýnist eini tilgangur þessarar síðu Inhofe vera að blekkja fólk. Ein aðferð við það er að taka orð manna úr samhengi í þeim tilgangi að plata fólk, það virðist takast að einhverju leiti hjá honum þarna, ef marka má það að þú hefur látið blekkjast magus." Svatli

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    magus (IP-tala skráð) 13.1.2010 kl. 05:08

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